User Table Manager dialog

Used to add new or edit existing user provided section properties tables.

Opens when either:
  • you select a section type and click OK in the Select Section Type dialog, or
  • when User Table is clicked on the Properties - Whole Structure dialog, or
  • or when you select User Table > User Table Manager tool in the Beam Profiles group on the Specification tab, but no user provided tables are present.

Setting Description
Select Existing Table If you have already created a user provided table, you may select it from this drop-down list box for further editing.
New Table Opens the New User Table dialog, which is used to select the section type for a user provided table and to optional specify an external table file.
Add Click this to specify a custom UPT section after creating a new table or selecting an existing table. A dialog opens for inputting property values applicable to the section type chosen for the current table.

Once the section is defined, it may be assigned from the Properties - Whole Structure dialog.

The following values are required for the various shapes. Additional values may be entered or you may click Calculate for some section types to have the program calculate derived section properties.

  • Wide Flange Sections - D, TF, WF, TW are required (and optionally TW1 and WF1 if the flanges are of different sizes).

    Ax, Iz, Ix, Iy, Ay, and Az can be calculated

  • Channel Sections - D, TF, WF, and TW are required

    Ax, Iz, Ix, Iy, Cz, Ay, and Az can be calculated

  • Angle Sections - D, WF, and TF are required

    R, At, and Az can be calculated

  • Double Angle Sections - D, WF, TF, and SP are required

    Iz, Ix, Iy, Cy, Ay, and Az can be calculated (does not calculate RVV)

  • Tube Sections - D, WF, and TF are required

    Ax, Iz, Ix, Iy, Ay, and Az can be calculated

  • General Sections - The general polygon profile is required

    Ax, D, TD, B, TB, Iz, Ix, Iy, Sz, Sy, Ay, Az, Pz, Py, HSS, and DEE can be calculated

Other section types do not have the option to calculate section properties. Therefore, any value not to be assumed as zero is required.
Edit / View Click to open the details of a selected table data entry for viewing or editing.
Delete Click to delete the currently selected table data entry from the table.
Delete Table Deletes the current user provided table.
Save Table Saves changes made to the user provided table.
Close Closes the dialog.
Section Wizard (Displayed only for External tables) Click to open the Section Wizard interface.