Reports tab

Contains tools used for generating, printing, and managing STAAD.Pro reports.

Table 1. Report group
Tool name Description

Saves the following information of current report to the database:
  • Currently selected items in the Report Builder panel
  • Current report styles
  • Current watermark settings
  • Currently applied filter information

Regenerates the report database with latest data. This action should be performed if any of the following actions are performed:
  • the input file changes
  • the model is re-analyzed
  • pictures are added or removed from the model
  • display options are changed (for example, display units or precision in tables)
  • Chinese steel design is performed or reports are generated from that workflow
  • connection design is performed or reports are generated from that workflow
Table 2. Print group
Tool name Description

Opens the Print dialog, which is used to configure the options for the selected printer and to send the report to the printer.

Quick Print
Click to send the report directly to the system default printer.

Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog, which is used to select paper size, orientation, and page margin sizes.
Table 3. Setup group
Tool name Description

Opens the Report Setup dialog, which is used to set report options and configure the report styles.

Opens the Report Filters dialog, which is used to limit the report data by load cases, modes, and value ranges.

Opens the Watermark dialog, which is used to place a custom text or image watermark to report pages.

Picture Manager
Opens the Picture Manager dialog, which is used to to edit report contents for pictures and delete pictures no longer needed.
Table 4. Templates group
Tool name Description

Opens the Load Template dialog, which is used to select an existing template or to add a template for a different source. Templates include a set of items for the Report Builder along with styles and filtering.

Opens the Save Template dialog, which is used to save the current report items with customizations, report configuration, and text watermarks as a new template.
Table 5. Navigation group
Tool name Description

First Page
Click to show the first page of the report.

Previous Page
Click to show the previous page of the report.

Next Page
Click to show the next page of the report.

Last Page
Click to show the last page of the report.

Zoom Out
Decreases the magnification used in the preview panel.

Use the drop-down list to select a predefined magnification level.

Zoom In
Increases the magnification used in the preview panel.

Page Layout
From the drop-down menu, select the page layout to use in the preview panel:
  • Single Page - only a single page of the report is displayed at one time.
  • Two Page - two pages of the report are displayed side-by-side.
  • Wrap Page - the pages of the report can be scrolled through

Continuous Scrolling
Click to toggle on the continuous scrolling mode. When active, pages smoothly move in and out of the preview panel. Otherwise, the view will jump to the subsequent page.

Move Out
Click to move the Navigation group out to a floating toolbar at the bottom of the report preview panel. When the mouse pointer hovers over the lower quarter of the panel, the toolbar appears.
Table 6. Export group
Tool name Description

Opens the Export dialog with the default export format as PDF, select file path and with several additional options.

Opens the Export dialog with the default export format as Docx, select file path and with several additional options.

Opens the Export dialog with the default export format as Xlsx, select file path and with several additional options.