Specification tab

Table 1. Beam Profiles group
Tool name Description

Click the drop-down arrow to display a gallery list of all database section tables. Click a country name or material to open the corresponding section table dialog.

Click the drop-down arrow to display a gallery list of all legacy database section tables. Click a country name or material to open the corresponding section table dialog.

Opens the Prismatic dialog, which is used to assign Circular, Rectangular, Tee, Trapezoidal, General(arbitrary), etc. cross sections to the members. 

Opens the Tapered I Property dialog, which is used to specify an I-section having a varying depth over the length of the member.

User Table >

User Table Manager
Opens the User Table Manager dialog, which is used for adding and managing previously created user table sections to the structure.
Assign from User Table Opens the User Property Table dialog, which is used to assign previously created user table sections to the structure.

Opens the Assign Profile dialog, which is used to select a section profile and optional material to a member for member selection during design.
Table 2. Plate Profiles group
Tool name Description

Plate Thickness
Opens the Plate Element Property dialog, which is used to provide plate element properties (thickness) with or without the material specification. Plates can have a different thickness at each node. Surfaces have a constant thickness.
Table 3. Material Constants group
Tool name Description

Constants >
Young's Modulus Opens the Material Constant - Elasticity dialog, which is used to assign the modulus of elasticity, E, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Shear Modulus Opens the Shear Modulus - G dialog, which is used to assign the shear modulus, G, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Poisson's Ratio Opens the Material Constant - Poisson's Ratio dialog, which is used to assign Poisson's ratio, ν, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Density Opens the Material Constant - Density dialog, which is used to assign the material density, γ, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Thermal Coefficient Opens the Material Constant - Alpha dialog, which is used to assign the thermal coefficient, α, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Damping Ratio Opens the Material Constant - Damping Ratio dialog, which is used to assign the damping ratio, c, based on a predefined material value or a custom value.
Table 4. Specifications group
Tool name Description

Node >
Add Control/Dependent Specification Opens the Node Specification dialog to the Control/Dependent tab, which is used to select a control node and the directions which other dependent nodes follow actions.
Delete Control/Dependent Specification Used to delete a control/dependent specification.

Beam >
Beta Angle Opens the Beta Angle dialog, which is used to specify the beta angle for members.
Beam Reference Point Opens the Reference Point dialog, which is used to specify a reference point for the members from which the program calculates the beta angle.
Cable Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Cable tab, which is used to assign standard cable and nonlinear cable specifications.
Compression Only Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Compression tab, which is used to define compression-only members. These members are capable of carrying compressive forces only.
Tension Only Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Tension tab, which is used to define tension-only members. These members are capable of carrying tensile forces only.
Truss Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Truss tab, which is used to specify truss members. These members are capable of carrying axial forces only.
Imperfection Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Imperfection tab, which is used to assign camber or drift values to members.
Cracked Property Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Property Reduction Factors tab, which is used to assign reduced (i.e., cracked) section property factors to members.
Release Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Release tab, which is used to assign releases, partial moment releases, or spring values to member ends.
Offset Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Offset tab, which is used to assign member end offset values to a member end.
Inactive Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Inactive tab, which is used to instruct the analysis and design engine to ignore a member for analysis.
Fireproofing Opens the Member Specification dialog to the Fire Proofing tab, which is used to assign block or contour fire proofing material to a member for weight calculations.

Plate >
Plate Reference Point Opens the Plate Reference Point dialog, which is used to specify options for determining the general direction of the local Z axis of elements,
Release Opens the Plate Specs dialog to the Release tab, which is used to assign released degrees of freedom at a plate node.
Ignore Inplane Rotation Opens the Plate Specs dialog to the Ignore Inplane Rotation tab, which is used to override the value that STAAD determines for the stiffness associated with the local axis Mz degree of freedom for plate elements
Rigid Inplane Rotation Opens the Plate Specs dialog to the Rigid Inplane Rotation tab, which is used to connect corner Mz in-plane rotation actions so that the element will carry the Mz moment to other joints rigidly. This is typically used for elements connected directly to beams.
Plane Stress Opens the Plate Specs dialog to the Plane Stress tab, which is used to model plate elements as Plane Stress elements.
Ignore Stiffness Opens the Plate Specs dialog to the Ignore Stiffness tab, which is used to instruct the program to neglect the stiffness of the selected plates while assembling the stiffness matrix. Hence, the stiffness contribution of the selected plates is not considered. This is similar to the Inactive command for the members.
Table 5. Supports group
Tool name Description

Opens the Create Support dialog Fixed tab, which is used to create a fixed support tag and (optionally) to assign that to selected nodes. A Fixed support is restrained in all 6 degrees of freedom.

Opens the Create Support dialog Pinned tab, which is used to create a pinned support tag and (optionally) to assign it to selected nodes. A Pinned support is restrained in all three translational degrees of freedom and free in the 3 rotational degrees of freedom.

Opens the Create Support dialog Fixed But tab, which is used to create various types of roller, hinge and spring supports with specified restrained degrees of freedom and to assign them to selected nodes.

Opens the Create Support dialog Foundations tab, which is used to create spring supports for independent footings and mat foundations and to assign them to selected nodes.

One-way Spring
Opens the Create Support dialog Tension/Compression Only Spring tab, which is used to designate certain support springs as Tension-only or Compression-only springs.
Other Supports > Inclined Opens the Create Support dialog Inclined tab, which is used to create supports that offer restraints in an axis system that is inclined with respect to the global axis system.
Mulit-Linear Spring Opens the Create Support dialog Multilinear Spring tab, which is used to enter displacement and spring stiffness data pairs for a multilinear spring definition, which is then used for a Fixed But support type.
Enforced Opens the Create Support dialog Enforced tab, which is used to create a fixed-condition support defined in terms of being stiff springs.
Custom Enforced Opens the Create Support dialog Enforced But tab, which is used to create a fixed-condition support defined in terms of being stiff springs with the option to release selected degrees of freedom.
Table 6. Tools group
Tool name Description

Section Wizard
Launches the Section Wizard application.

Section Database
Launches the Section Database Manager application.