Analysis and Design tab

Table 1. Analysis Data group
Tool name Description
Analysis Commands Opens the Analysis/Print Commands dialog for analysis commands, which is used to define the analysis commands to be included in the Input Command File.

Pre Analysis Commands
Opens the Analysis/Print Commands dialog for pre-analysis print commands, which is used to define the pre-analysis print commands to be included in the Input Command File.

Post Analysis Commands
Opens the Analysis/Print Commands dialog for post-analysis print commands, which is used define the post-analysis print commands to be included in the Input Command File.

Miscellaneous Commands >
Input Width Opens the Input Width dialog, which is used to set the maximum allowable number of characters per line in the input command file for processing.

Choose 72 or 79 columns and then click OK.

Refer to TR.4 Input/Output Width Specification for additional information.

Output Width Opens the Output Width dialog, which is used to set the maximum allowable number of characters per line in the output file.

Choose 72 or 118 columns and then click OK.

Refer to TR.4 Input/Output Width Specification for additional information.

Floor Diaphragm Options Used for analysis of a seismic requirements for IS 1893 (Indian) or ASCE 7 (US) codes.

Refer to TR.28.2.1 Soft Story Checking for additional information.

Set NL Opens the Set NL dialog, which is used to specify the maximum number of primary load cases for processing. It is required if multiple cycles of analysis is performed.

Type the Maximum Number of Primary Loads to provide in the input file and then click OK.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Echo

Opens the Set Echo dialog, which is used to activate or deactivate the echoing of input commands to the output ( .ANL) file. By default, Echo is On (i.e., input commands are echoed to the output file).

This option is used if you want to process any structure in which a node may be associated with more than 16 other joints.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Z Up By default, STAAD.Pro assumes that the global X and Z axes are horizontal and the Y axis is vertical. This command is used to orient the global Z axis as the vertical axis and sets X and Y to be the horizontal axes.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Displacement Opens the Maximum allowable displacement tolerance dialog, which is used to specify limiting values for nodal displacements for PDELTA and NONLINEAR analyses.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Floor Load Tolerance Opens the Tolerance used in Floor load calculation for length dialog, which is used to specify the tolerance for out of plane nodes in a floor load. The value is given as a length, in current units.
Set Floor Angle Tolerance Opens the Tolerance used in Floor load calculation for angle dialog, which is used to specify the he tolerance for out of plane nodes in a floor load. The value is given in degrees.
Set SDAMP Opens the Damping ratio to be used for all springs dialog, which allows damping property of springs to be considered in computing the composite modal damping for each mode in a dynamic solution.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Warp Opens the Warping restraint ratio to compute torsional rigidity dialog, which allows end warping restraint to be considered for I-shaped members.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Assign a value which in the range 0 to 1. 0 indicates no restraint. 1 indicates full restraint. A fraction indicates a partial restraint.

Set Shear This command is used for omitting the additional pure shear distortion stiffness terms in forming beam member stiffnesses. With this command you can exactly match simple textbook beam theory results.

A message dialog opens to confirm you wish to omit the additional shear distortion terms.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set ITERLIM Opens the Maximum number of tension/compression iterations dialog, which is used to override default limits for the maximum number of iterations of analysis performed for cases involving tension-only and compression-only components.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set NoWarning

This command will toggle off all warning messages in the output file.

A message dialog opens to confirm you wish to toggle off all warning messages.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Set Eigen Method Opens the Set Eigen Method dialog, which is used to specify the method used for eigen vectors or to use load-dependent Ritz vectors instead.

Refer to TR.5 Set Command Specification for additional information.

Refer to G.17.3.1 Solution of the Eigenproblem for details on load-dependent Ritz vectors.

Cut Off Mode Shape Opens the Cut Off Mode Shape dialog, which is used to instruct the program to extract a higher or lower number of modes. By default, STAAD.Pro calculates only a specific number of modes during modal calculation, response spectrum analysis, and time history analysis. This defaults to the first six modes.
Option Description
Allow Automatic Shifting When the Arnoldi/Lanczos method is selected in the Set Eigen Method dialog, this option can be set to reduce memory demand. This allows for efficient solution of large models with a large number of degrees of freedom.
Modes Per Shift If the Allow Automatic Shifting option is set, then you must specify a targeted number of eigen modes to be searched in each shift.
Initial Shift Frequency When the Arnoldi/Lanczos method is selected in the Set Eigen Method dialog, you may specify an initial frequency shift value.

Provide the maximum number of mode shapes we want the program to extract, and click OK.

Refer to TR.30.1 Cut-Off Frequency, Mode Shapes, or Time for additional information.

Cut Off Frequency Opens the Cut Off Frequency dialog, which is used to over-ride the built in cut off limit. During modal calculation, response spectrum analysis, and time history analysis, STAAD.Pro will extract only those modes whose frequency is below a built-in cut-off level.

Refer to TR.30.1 Cut-Off Frequency, Mode Shapes, or Time for additional information.

Cut Off Time Opens the Cut Off Time dialog, which is used to compute the results for a longer period of time than that at which the loads stop acting, specify the value using the CUT OFF TIME command. During time history analysis, by default, STAAD.Pro calculates displacements, forces, reactions and stresses for only up to a time which is equal to the duration of the longest acting forcing function or ground motion.

Refer to TR.30.1 Cut-Off Frequency, Mode Shapes, or Time for additional information.

Clear Above Commands Opens the Delete Miscellaneous Commands dialog, which is to the delete previously specified Miscellaneous commands such as Input Width, Set CO, etc.

Check the boxes associated with the commands you want to delete and then click Delete.

Load List
Opens the Load List dialog, which is used to specify a list of existing load cases and load combination cases to be used for subsequent processes, like design, print, plot etc.
Table 2. Analysis group
Tool name Description Shortcut

Performs the STAAD analysis as directed by input commands. The STAAD Analysis and Design window opens to display the progress of the design engine. When completed, you can select a next process and then click Done. Ctrl+F5
Table 3. Design Commands group
Tool name Description

Steel Design
Opens the Steel Design - Whole Structure dialog, which is used to select a steel design code, select parameters to use for design, and assign parameters to the model.

Concrete Design
Opens the Concrete Design - Whole Structure dialog, which is used to select a concrete design code, select parameters to use for design, and assign parameters to the model.

Aluminium Design
Opens the Aluminum Design - Whole Structure dialog, which is used to select a aluminum design code, select parameters to use for design, and assign parameters to the model.

Timber Design
Opens the Timber Design - Whole Structure dialog, which is used to select a timber design code, select parameters to use for design, and assign parameters to the model.
Table 4. Cloud Services group
Tool name Description

Run Cloud Analysis
Opens the Run Cloud Analysis dialog, which is used to select a solution, name your scenario, and submit for analysis via Bentley's Scenario Services.

Load Results
Select to download and open the results in the typical postprocessing workflow.

Download Results
Select to save the output from a cloud analysis to your local computer.