Loading tab

Table 1. Loading Specifications group
Tool name Description

Primary Load Cases
Opens the Create Primary Load Case dialog, which is used to create new primary load cases.

Combination Load Case
Opens the Define Load Combinations dialog, which is used to specify a load case that combines results of analysis performed for different primary load cases.

Reference Load Case
Opens the Create Primary Load Case dialog, which is used to create new reference load definition.

Load Items
Opens the Create New Load Items dialog, which is used to
Table 2. Loading group
Tool name Description

Vehicle Load Generator
Opens the Create New Load Generation dialog, which is used to create a primary load case using the data of a pre-defined vehicle.

Wind Load Generator >
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015 Opens the Wind Load Generation - IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015 dialog, which is used to specify wind load definition data as well as generate wind load cases for the Indian IS-875 (Part 3): 2015 code.
GB50009 : 2012 Opens the Generate Wind Definition and Wind Load Case for Chinese GB 50009 dialog, which is used to enter code parameters for generating wind intensity values based on the GB 50009 2012 code.

Mass Model Generator
Opens the Create Mass Model dialog, which is used to generate a mass model for dynamic load cases based on a selected set of load cases.

Primary Load Type
Opens the Define Load Type dialog, which is used to define load types for multiple primary load cases in a single dialog.

Automatic Combinations >
Add Auto Load Combintions Opens the Auto Load Combination dialog, which is used to automatically create load combinations based on code-specified combination rules and primary load type selections.
Edit Load Combination Rules Opens the Edit Load Rules for Auto Load Combination Generator dialog, which is used to edit load combination rules for the automatic generation of load combination cases.
Table 3. Define Load Systems group
Tool name Description
Wind Opens the Create New Wind Type Definition dialog, which is used to add a new wind load definition.
Direct Analysis Opens the Add New Direction Analysis Definition dialog, which is used to define parameters used in the direct analysis method described in AISC 360-05 Appendix 7.
Snow Opens the Add New Snow Definition dialog, which is used to define parameters used for generating snow loading on a structure per the ASCE 7-02 code.
Vehicle Opens the Add New Vehicle Definitions dialog, which is used to define different types of moving loads. Several load cases can be generated by applying these types of loads.
Seismic > <country list> Opens the Add New Seismic Definitions dialog, which is used to define the parameters for performing a dynamic analysis using the static equivalent approach as outlined in the various seismic codes supported by STAAD.Pro.
Pushover Opens the Add New: Pushover dialog, which is used to define structural parameters for a pushover analysis.

Enclosed Zone
Opens the Enclosed Zone tab of the Create New Definitions dialog, which is used to define an enclosed zone boundary, openings within the boundary, and any members to ignore for boundary or load transfer.
Table 4. Dynamic Specifications group
Tool name Description

Time History >
Forcing Function Opens the Add New Time History Definitions dialog, which is used to define the Forcing Function of a time varying load.
Parameters Opens the Define (Time History) Parameters dialog, which is used to define time step, damping, and arrival times for time history loads.

Modal Damping
Opens the Modal Damping dialog, which is used to define unique damping ratios for the individual modes used in a dynamic analysis.
Table 5. Display group
Tool name Description
Load Select the active load case, load combination, or load envelope from the pop-up dialog.

View Loading Diagram
Click to toggle the display of the current load case on the structure.