Material Constantdialog

Used to specify individual material constants of the materials of which members and elements are comprised.

Opens when a constant name is selected from the Constants tool in the Materials group on the Specifications ribbon tab. A separate dialog is used to define each constant value.

The types of constants available to define are:
  • Young's Modulus – the modulus of elasticity, E
  • Poisson's Ratio , ν
  • Shear Modulus , G
  • Density , γ
  • Thermal Coefficient , α
  • Damping Ratio ,c
Setting Description
Material Constant Select the pre-defined materials Aluminum, Concrete, or Steel to use a built-in value. See below for the built-in material values

Alternately, select the Enter Value option to type in a custom constant value in the current units.

Assign Select the scope of members which the material constant is to be assigned.
  • To View assigns the material constant to all members within the current view.
  • To Selection assigns the material constant to only those members selected.