Supports - Whole Structure dialog

Used to define supports and assign them to nodes.  All supports that have been defined for the model are listed here.

Setting Description
Click to edit the parameters of the one of the following support types after it is created.
  • Fixed But
  • Enforced But
  • Inclined
  • Foundation
Create Opens the Create Support dialog opens, which is used to create various support types.
Delete Click to delete a previously assigned support.
Assignment Method The options under the Assignment Method offer different choices for assigning supports to the structure.
Setting Description
Assign To Selected Nodes To assign a support to selected nodes, first select the support from the Supports dialog box.  The support selected is highlighted.  Then select the nodes to which this support is to be assigned. When all desired nodes are selected, click the Assign To Selected Nodes radio button, then click the Assign button.
Assign To View To assign a support to all free nodes in a view, first select the support from the Supports dialog box.  The selected support is highlighted.  Select the Assign To View radio button, then click the Assign button.  All free nodes in the structure are assigned this support.
Use Cursor To Assign To assign a support to nodes using the cursor, first select the support from the Supports dialog box.  The selected support is highlighted.  Select the Use Cursor To Assign radio button, then click the Assign button. The button will appear depressed and the label will change to Assigning. Make sure that the Nodes Cursor is selected so that we can select the nodes.  Using the cursor, click on the nodes to which this support is to be assigned. Click on the Assign button again to finish.
Assign To Edit List To assign a support using a typed list of node numbers, first select the support from the Supports dialog.  The selected support is highlighted.  Select the Assign To Edit List radio button, then type the list of node numbers and click the Assign button.