Properties - Whole Structure dialog

Used to define and assign member, plate element, and material properties.

Section tab

Used to define member section properties and element thickness and assigning them to members and elements.

Setting Description
section list Displays the member profiles included in the model, along with the source and associated material.

Check the Highlight Assigned Geometry option to highlight members in the model which use a selected section from the list.

Edit Click to edit the selected section from the list. This allows you to change the section or section options used for this reference with another from the same source.
Delete Click to remove the selected section from the list.
Standard Opens the Standard Profile Databases dialog, which is used to assign standard database catalog sections for steel members.
Legacy Opens the Legacy Profile Databases dialog, which is used to assign legacy catalog sections for steel, timber, and aluminum members. Sections or organized by material, country, and then profile.
User Table Opens the User Property Table dialog, which is used to assign previously created user table sections to the structure.
Prismatic Opens the Prismatic dialog, which is used to assign Circular, Rectangular, Tee, Trapezoidal, General (arbitrary), etc. cross sections to the members.
Thickness Opens the Plate Element Property dialog, which is used to provide plate element properties (thickness) with or without the material specification. Plates can have a different thickness at each node. Surfaces have a constant thickness.
Value Opens the Section Properties table, which displays the values used for sections included in the model categorized by shape.

Beta Angle tab

Used to define beta angles (rotation of the member about its local x-axis) and assign them to members.