Plate Tools tab

This ribbon tab is available when one or more plate objects are selected.

Table 1. Model group
Tool name Description

Move Plate
Opens the Move Selected Plates dialog, which is used to specify the translational offset for moving a selection of plates.

Renumber Plates
Opens the Renumber dialog, which is used to renumber selected plates starting with a specified number. The numbering sequence can be in an ascending or descending order and the order can be sorted by some criteria if needed.

Generate Plate Mesh
Used to generate a finite element mesh for an existing plate element.

The polygon can be meshed into quadrilateral or triangular elements. You have control over parameters like number of divisions along each side of the polygon. Polygonal holes can also be defined within the surface during the meshing process for polygonal meshing.

Opens the Plate dialog which displays properties for the selected element. Additional tabs become available after analysis and design is performed.
Table 2. View group
Tool name Description

New View

Opens the New View dialog, which is used to create a new view window for displaying the selected structural elements. You are prompted to indicate whether the selected view would be opened in a new (child) window or whether it would replace the current (parent) view. Any number of child view windows in this way.

3D Rendering

Used to render the model using true lighting, reflection and shading in a separate window. It enables walk-through, dynamic zoom and panning capabilities in the 3D rendered view.

Once the 3D Rendering option is chosen, a separate window opens displaying the rendered view. The structure can be dynamically rotated about all three axes by simply holding the left mouse button down and dragging the structure in the intended direction. Right-clicking the mouse button will display a myriad of viewing options.

Depending on the material used (steel, concrete, etc.), an appropriate texture will be applied to the structure. A property or material must be assigned to the entities of the model before this feature can be used. This is for visual and presentation purposes only.