Select tab

Contains tools used for selecting objects in your analytical model.

Table 1. Cursors group
Tool name Description

Nodes Cursor
Used to graphically select nodes.

Beam Cursor
Used to graphically select beams.

Plate Cursor
Used to graphically select plates.

Solid Cursor
Used to graphically select solids.

Geometry Cursor
Used to graphically select nodes, members and elements of the structure simultaneously.

To select nodes, members, or elements using the Geometry Cursor, simply click on the desired structural components. To select multiple nodes, members and elements, hold Ctrl while selecting. We may also select the structural components graphically by creating a window on screen with the cursor around these components.

Members Cursor
Used in Steel Design or Concrete Design to graphically select all those beams defined as a same member in the member set up of member design, simultaneously.

Members may be user defined or may be generated automatically using the Auto Form Member tool.

To select all the beams defined as a same member using the Member Cursor, just click on one beam. The other beams having the same member name as the selected one will automatically be selected. To select multiple physical members, hold down Ctrl while selecting. You may also select the physical members graphically by dragging a fence area around these physical members using the cursor.

Plates & Solids Cursor
Used to graphically select both plate and solid elements.

(Select) Text
Used to add comments and titles to pictures and result diagrams. The added text can be plotted, too.

The inserted text can be deleted, moved, and modified using the text cursor. Refer to the Insert Text on the Utilities ribbon for a detailed description on inserting text and modifying it using the text cursor.

Selects the last objects selected if they have been deselected or if the selection set has changed.


Used to modify any load already applied on the model by double clicking it. When selected, the mouse pointer changes to the Load Edit Cursor.

Table 2. Geometry group
Tool name Description

Selects all nodes, members, elements, and solids in the model.

Used to select all objects but the ones which are currently selected.

Opens the Select Geometry dialog, which is used to select one or more model entities (other than nodes) from a list of all entities in the model.

Used to select all beams, elements, and surfaces which are parallel to a specified global axis.
Select the desired global axis from the sub-menu.
  • To XY
  • To YZ
  • To XZ

Used to select all the entities that are connected to (i.e., have a common node with) any particular node, beam, plate, or solid. A dialog opens prompting you to select the node, beam, plate, or solid number. You can select to apply immediately or click OK to see all the model entities that are connected to the selection.
  • To Node
  • To Beam
  • To Plate
  • To Solid

Opens the Visual Check dialog, which is used to sequentially highlight a specific group of entities (beams, plates, or solids) in numerical order. Controls on the speed of the selection are also included.
Table 3. Nodes group
Tool name Description

Selects all nodes in the model.

All nodes in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected nodes are added to the selection set.

Opens the Select Nodes dialog, which is used to select one or more nodes from a list of all nodes in the model. A free list of node numbers may also be specified.

Selects all supported nodes in the model.
Table 4. Beams group
Tool name Description

Used to select all beams.

All beams in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected beams are added to the selection set.

Opens the Select Beams dialog, which is used to select one or more beams from a list of all beams in the model.

Select beams that are parallel to the selected global axis.
  • To XY
  • To YZ
  • To XZ

Select beams that connect to the selected object type.
  • To Node
  • To Beam
  • To Plate
  • To Solid
Table 5. Plates group
Tool name Description

Selects all plates in the model.

All plates in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected plates are added to the selection set.

Opens the Select Plates dialog, which is used to select one or more plates from a list of all plates in the model.

Select plates that are parallel to the selected global axes plane.
  • To XY
  • To YZ
  • To XZ

Select plates that connect to the selected object type.
  • To Node
  • To Beam
  • To Plate
  • To Solid
Table 6. Solids group
Tool name Description

Selects all solids in the model.

All solids in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected solids are added to the selection set.

Opens the Select Solids dialog, which is used to select one or more solids from a list of all solids in the model.

Select solids that connect to the selected object type.
  • To Node
  • To Beam
  • To Plate
  • To Solid
Table 7. Filter group
Tool name Description

Used to select multiple types of geometric entities (nodes, beams, surfaces, etc.) with specific attributes in one pass. This will reduce the time required to create new views and help quickly identify the location of certain entities on your structure.
Table 8. Attributes group
Tool name Description

Opens the Select Groups dialog, which is used to select objects in a named group.

Property Name
Used to select nodes and members based on specifications associated with them. A number of specification types are included in the sub-menu list.

Missing Property
Used to select beams, plates, or solids that lack critical input data (Property, Density, Elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, and Alpha) in the active view.
Table 9. Modes group
Tool name Description

Drag Box
Click to activate the drag box selection mode.

Drag Line
Click to activate the drag line selection mode.

Click to activate the region selection mode.