Prismatic dialog

Used to specify the section dimensions and properties for a general, prismatic user defined table section.

Opens when you click Add in the User Table Manager dialog when a Prismatic section table is selected.

Setting Description
Section Name Type a section name used to identify the shape in the table.
YD Depth of the section in the direction of the local y-axis.
ZD Depth of the section in the direction of the local z-axis
Cross Section Area (Ax) Cross-section area
Inertia about local z (Iz) Moment of inertia about the local z-axis
Inertia about local y (Iy) Moment of inertia about the local y-axis
Torsional Constant (Ix) Torsional constant
Shear Area in Y (Ay) Shear area for shear parallel to local y-axis.
Shear Area in Z (Az) Shear area for shear parallel to local z-axis.
Setting Description
OK Saves the UPT section and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without creating a new section.