View tab

Table 1. Labels group
Tool name Description Shortcut

Labels Settings
Opens the Diagrams dialog to the Labels tab, which is used to customize the view of the structure by setting different view-related parameters.

Node Labels
Select any of the label types from the drop-down list to turn the display of that label on or off. Shift+N

Beam Labels

Plate Labels

Solid Labels

Individual Node Labels
When the object label type is activated, use these tools to show or hide the individual labels of objects. This can be useful for large models or views where you wish to display multiple types of labels simultaneously.

Individual Beam Labels

Individual Plate Labels

Individual Solid Labels
Table 2. Tools group
Tool name Description Shortcut

Zoom Window
Used to define the boundaries of a rectangular area of the active view to be displayed within the current view.

Whole Structure
Fits the current view to display the entire structure limits. Resets view rotation to orthogonal.

Zoom In
Zoom in the current view by a preset percentage magnification. scroll wheel up

Zoom Out
Zoom out the current view by a preset percentage magnification. scroll wheel down

Used to view a different part of the design without changing the view magnification.

Zoom Extents
Adjusts the view magnification so that the entire model is visible in the view.

Zoom Factor
Opens the Zoom Factor dialog, which is used to zoom in or out of the structure by specifying a magnification factor. Factors less than one Zoom out.

Zoom Previous
Undoes the last Zoom Factor or Zoom Window operation.

Dynamic Zoom
Used to define the boundaries of a rectangular area of the active view to be displayed within a new view. The previous view window highlights the location of the zoomed portion.

Magnifying Glass
Provides a magnified portion of the current view window when you click and drag the pointer.

Isometric View
(Default view) View the model as an isometric projection.

Front View
View the structure model from the positive Z axis.

Left View
View the structure model from the negative X axis.

Top View
View the foundation mode in plan; from the positive Y axis.

Back View
View the structure model from the negative Z axis.

Right View
View the structure model from the positive X axis.

Bottom View
View the structure model from the negative Y axis.

Rotate Up
Rotate the position of the view up about the horizontal axis through the model center. (Up arrow key)

Rotate Left
Rotate the position of the view to the left about the vertical axis through the model center. (Left arrow key)

Spin Left
Rotate the view counter-clockwise (structure will appear to rotate clockwise). Ctrl+ (Ctrl+Left arrow keys)

Rotate Down
Rotate the position of the view down about the horizontal axis through the model center. (Down arrow key)

Rotate Right
Rotate the position of the view to the right about the vertical axis through the model center. (Right arrow key)

Spin Right
Rotate the view clockwise (structure will appear to rotate counter-clockwise). Ctrl+ (Ctrl+Right arrow keys)

Toggle View Rotation Mode
Used to select an node as the center of rotation. When toggled on, pressing Ctrl+Shift and clicking a node will set that node as the center of rotation.

Opens the Orientation dialog, which is used to modify the settings that define various view orientations of the structure, such as Plan view, Elevation view, Perspective view, etc. F4

Always Fit in Current Window

Instructs the program on what guidelines to use when drawing a selected set of objects on the screen. It displays the selected portion of the model to a size governed by optimum usage of the dimensions of the current window.

When you select various tools the program or switch workflows the size of the drawing window frequently changes. With this tool turned on, the model or selected portions of it, will be drawn in such a manner that all the entities will be drawn within the bounds of the drawing area. This means, the size to which the entities are drawn will correspondingly increase or decrease.

With this tool turned off, the size of the entities will remain constant, but that means it may or may not fit within the bounds of the drawing window.

Table 3. Views group
Tool name Description

Open View
Opens the Open View dialog, which is used to open a previously saved structural view window.

New View

Opens the New View dialog, which is used to create a new view window for displaying the selected structural elements. You are prompted to indicate whether the selected view would be opened in a new (child) window or whether it would replace the current (parent) view. Any number of child view windows in this way.

Selected Objects
Hides all objects that are not part of the current selection.

View Management >

Detach View
Used to delete any saved or active view window.

Add to View
Used to add geometry to any saved or active view window.

Save View
Opens the Save View As dialog, which is used to save the current view of the structure with a name. Type a name for the view. This view may be opened later for performing verification/visualization operations.

Rename View
Opens the Rename View dialog, which is used to rename an existing view. Type a New Name for the view. The old name is shown for reference.

Export View
Used to save the view as a bitmap image file.
Table 4. Options group
Tool name Description

Display Options
Opens the Options dialog, which is used to change the length and force units for various values which can be displayed in the graphics window, such as member properties, material constants, load magnitudes, plate stresses, etc.

Set Structure Colors
Opens the Color Manager dialog, which is used to set colors for highlight, entities, and results..

Structural Tooltip Options
Opens the Tool Tip Options dialog, which is used to set tooltip options for structural elements.
Table 5. Windows group
Tool name Description Shortcut

Stacks view windows in order with the active window entirely visible and the title bar of each remaining window visible. Shift+F5

Tile Horizontal
Tiles view windows vertically, with each window in a landscape (horizontal layout). This is a quick way to clean up the screen. Shift+F4

Tile Vertical
Tiles view windows horizontally, with each window in a portrait (vertical layout). This is a quick way to clean up the screen. Ctrl+Shift+F4

Structure Only
Closes all open view windows, non-modal dialogs, and tables and opens a View window of the full structure expanded to the full program window.

A list of all open and saved Views is displayed here. Select any number to make this the active view.

Opens the Tables dialog, which is used to display and close different tables, such as Node coordinates, Beam incidences, Node displacements, etc. irrespective of the current page.

3D Rendering

Used to render the model using true lighting, reflection and shading in a separate window. It enables walk-through, dynamic zoom and panning capabilities in the 3D rendered view.

Once the 3D Rendering option is chosen, a separate window opens displaying the rendered view. The structure can be dynamically rotated about all three axes by simply holding the left mouse button down and dragging the structure in the intended direction. Right-clicking the mouse button will display a myriad of viewing options.

Depending on the material used (steel, concrete, etc.), an appropriate texture will be applied to the structure. A property or material must be assigned to the entities of the model before this feature can be used. This is for visual and presentation purposes only.
