General dialog

Used to specify the section dimensions and properties for a general polygonal user defined table section.

Opens when you click Add in the User Table Manager dialog when a General section table is selected.

Setting Description
Section Name Type a section name used to identify the shape in the table.
Define Profile Polygon Check this option to define polygon vertices by Z and Y coordinates in the following table.

You also have the option compute the section properties for the shape automatically based on the defined polygon.

Compute Section Properties Click to calculate the AX, D, B, IZ, IY, IX, SZ, SY, AY, AZ, PZ, PY, HSS, and DEE values from the provided polygon points. The points will be re-centered from the arbitrary origin used to the center of gravity of the section.
OK Saves the UPT section and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without creating a new section.

Section property fields:

Setting Description
AX Cross section area
D Largest dimension parallel to the local Y axis (overall section depth along Y).
Figure 1. B and D parameters corresponding to selected axis system
TD Thickness associated with section element parallel to Y axis (taken to be the web). To be used to check depth/thickness ratio of the web.
B Largest dimension parallel to the local Z axis (overall section width along Z).
TB Thickness associated with section element parallel to Z axis (taken to be the flanges). To be used to check width/thickness ratio of the flanges.
IZ Moment of inertia about local z axis
IY Moment of inertia about local y axis
IX Torsional constant
SZ Section modulus about local z axis (about the local y-axis for Z up)
SY Section modulus about local y axis (about the local z axis for Z up)
AY Shear area in local y-axis (about the local z axis for Z up)
AZ Shear area in local z axis (about the local y-axis for Z up)
PZ Plastic modulus about local z axis (about the local y-axis for Z up)
PY Plastic modulus about local y axis (about the local z axis for Z up)
HSS Warping constant for lateral torsional buckling calculations
DEE Depth of web between the flanges. For rolled sections, distance between fillets should be provided