Results tab

Table 1. View Results group
Tool name Description
Load Select the active load case, load combination, or load envelope from the pop-up dialog.

View Loading Diagram
Click to toggle the display of the current load case on the structure.

Displays the deflected shape on the structure using nodal displacements.

Displays the nodal and beam sectional displacements.

Utilization Ratio
Displays the design code based utilization ratio, for code checks and member selection operations, in annotated form on the structure diagram.

Displays the axial force diagram on the structure.

Displays the shear force Y diagram on the structure.

Displays the shear force Z diagram on the structure.

Displays the torsion diagram on the structure.

Displays the bending moment Y diagram on the structure.

Displays the bending moment Z diagram on the structure.

Beam Stress
Displays the beam stress diagrams on the structure.

Plate Stress
Displays plate stress contours on the structure.

Solid Stress
Displays solid stress contours on the structure.

Layouts >
Displacement Displays the nodal and beam sectional displacements, along with the table and table. This has the same effect as selecting the Displacements page in the Postprocessing workflow.
Reaction Displays the support reactions, along with the table and table. This has the same effect as selecting the Reactions page in the Postprocessing workflow.
Instability Displays unstable joints if any were detected in the analysis along with the table.
Base Pressure Displays the soil pressure at support node locations for slabs consisting of plate elements generated using either the elastic mat or plate mat commands along with the table.
Beam Forces Displays the force diagram on the structure for the selected load case along with the table and Beam Force Detail table. This has the same effect as selecting the Beam Results page in the Postprocessing workflow.
Beam Stress Displays the member stress diagram on the structure (same as the Beam Stress tool), along with the 3D Beam Stress Contour view and table.
Utilization Displays the design code based utilization ratio, for code checks and member selection operations, in annotated form on the structure diagram (same as the Utilization tool) along with the table.
Graphs Displays the current loading on the structure in the main view along with a set of three Beam Graph windows which display force or bending diagrams for the currently selected member.
Plate Stress Displays the graphical plate stress contour diagram superimposed on the elements along with the table and table.

This item will also open the Diagrams dialog to the Plate Stress Contour tab.

Results Along Line Opens the Results Along Line dialog along with the line graph and Result along selected line table.
Solid Stress Displays the graphical Solid Stress Contour diagram superimposed on the elements along with the table and the table. This has the same effect as selecting the Solid Results page in the Postprocessing workflow.

This item will also open the Diagrams dialog to the Solid Stress Contour tab.

Node Displacement Displays the deflected shape for the selected load case and load step, along with the Node Displacements Curve graph and Node Displacement table.
Beam Forces Opens the Load Level vs Section Forces diagram and Beam Force Detail table.
Table 2. Dynamics group
Tool name Description
Mode Select the mode number from the drop-down list.

Mode Shape
Displays the mode shape diagrams for individual modes.

Relative Response

Time Steps
Opens a drop-down control which allows you to move through time history steps using a slider control or by typing the time directly.

Layouts >
Dynamic - Mode Shape Displays the mode shape diagram on the structure, along with a table of mode shapes. This has the same effect as selecting the Dynamics page in the Postprocessing workflow.
Dynamic - Displacement Displays the time-displacement graphs for a selected node or node group in the structure.
Dynamic - Velocity Displays the time-velocity graphs for a selected node or node group in the structure.
Dynamic - Acceleration Displays the time-acceleration graphs for a selected node or node group in the structure.
Dynamic - Floor Spectrum Displays the Response Spectrum graph and Response Spectrum table.
Pushover - Loads Opens the table, which displays the nodal load values and total base shear for the selected load step, along with the Capacity Curve table.

The magnitude and direction of the loads in the current load step are displayed in the view window.

Pushover - Graphs Opens the graph, which displays displacement vs. force for the pushover analysis.

The Capacity Curve table contains the roof or control joint displacement and base shear values recorded for each load step.

Pushover - Node Results Displays nodal displacements and rotations in the table and the support reactions in the table for the selected load step.

The deflected shape is overlaid on the structure in the view window.

Pushover - Beam Results Opens the table which displays the status of the beam and hinge conditions along each beam's length. The table displays the cross-sectional forces and moments at sections along each beam's length are displayed for the selected load step.

The status of beams and hinges are displayed in the view window.

Steady State - Displacement Displays the frequency-displacement graphs in the global directions for a steady state analysis.
Steady State - Velocity Displays the frequency-velocity graphs in the global directions for a steady state analysis.
Steady State - Acceleration Displays the frequency-acceleration graphs in the global directions for a steady state analysis.
Buckling Opens the Buckling Factors table, which displays the calculated buckling factors from a buckling analysis, along with the Buckling Modes table.
Table 3. Animation group
Tool name Description

Opens the Diagrams dialog Animation tab, which is used to control what effect is being animated on the Animation page in the Postprocessing workflow.
Table 4. Configuration group
Tool name Description

Select Load Case
Opens the Results Setup dialog, which is used to select the load cases, mode shapes, and structural elements (beams, nodes, elements, etc.), which are included in the Postprocessing operations

Opens the Diagrams dialog, which is used to customize the view of the structure by setting different view-related parameters.

Opens the Diagrams dialog to the Scales tab, which is used to specify the scales to which the different diagrams for viewing input and results should be plotted.

Opens the Annotation dialog, which is used to annotate the display of results annotations in the View window with numerical values.
Table 5. Properties group
Tool name Description

Update Properties
Updates the section properties assigned to members in the input file to those which are the result of a design member selection or group member command.

If member selection is carried out for steel, timber or aluminum sections in the model, or if a GROUP MEMBER command is specified (see TR.50 Group Specification), the properties of the structure at the end of these processes will no longer be the same as what we assigned initially or started out with.

A warning dialog opens to confirm you wish to proceed before making any changes.

Table 6. Reports group
Tool name Description

Reports >
Node Displacement When a node selection is made, this tool opens Node Displacement dialog, which is used to create a Joint Displacement report for the selected node(s).
Support Reaction Display tabular results for support reaction.
Beam Property Opens the Beam Property dialog, which is used to generate a sorted table of the selected beams for inclusion in the report.
Beam End Forces Display tabular results for beam end forces.
Section Displacement Display tabular results for beam section displacements.
Section Forces Display tabular results for beam stresses.
Beam Stresses Display tabular results for beam stresses.
Column Transfer Force Opens the Transfer Forces for Selected Members dialog, which is used to report transfer forces across beam connections on either side of columns for a selected set of members.
Plate Stresses Display tabular results for plate element stresses.
Principal Stresses Display tabular results for plate element stresses.
Floor Vibration Report Opens the Floor Vibration Output dialog, which is used to review the floor vibration analysis per AISC Design Guide No. 11 for a specific floor system and load combination. To utilize this feature, the floor system must be defined as a composite deck in the modeling mode.