
Used to assign prismatic cross sections to members.

Opens when either:
  • Prismatic is clicked on the Properties - Whole Structure dialog, or
  • the Prismatic tool is selected in the Beam Profiles group on the Specification ribbon tab

Circle tab

Setting Description
YD Section diameter.
Material Check this box and select the material from the drop down list if the new member property tag should include the material constants.

Rectangle tab

Setting Description
YD Depth of the member in local y direction (local z direction with Z up).
ZD Width of the member in the local z direction (local y direction with Z up).

Tee tab

Setting Description
YD Depth of the member in local y direction (local z direction with Z up).
ZD Width of the flange, parallel to the local z-axis (local y-axis with Z up).
YB Depth of the stem (web), parallel to the local y-axis (local b-axis with Z up).
ZB Width of the stem (web), parallel to the local z-axis (local y-axis with Z up).

Trapezoidal tab

Setting Description
YD Depth of the member in local y direction (local z direction with Z up).
ZD Top width, parallel to the local y-axis (local b-axis with Z up).
ZB Bottom width, parallel to the local z-axis (local y-axis with Z up).

General tab

Setting Description
AX Cross sectional area of the member.
AY Effective shear area in local y-axis (local z-axis with Z up).
AZ Effective shear area in local z-axis (local y-axis with Z up).
IX Torsional constant.
IY Moment of inertia about local y-axis (local z-axis with Z up).
IZ Moment of inertia about local z-axis (usually major, local y-axis with Z up).
YD Depth of the member in local y direction (local z-axis with Z up). Used as the diameter of section for circular members.
ZD Depth of the member in local z direction (local y-axis with Z up). If ZD is not provided and YD is provided, the section will be assumed to be circular.
YB Depth of stem for T-section parallel to the local y-axis (local z-axis with Z up).
ZB Width of stem for Tee section or bottom width for trapezoidal section parallel to the local z-axis (local y-axis with Z up).

Tapered I tab

Setting Description
F1 Depth of section at start node.
F2 Thickness of web.
F3 Depth of section at end node.
F4 Width of top flange.
F5 Thickness of top flange.
F6 Width of bottom flange. Defaults to F4 is zero.
F7 Thickness of bottom flange. Defaults to F5 if zero.

Tapered Tube tab

Setting Description
Type of Section Select one of the profile shapes:
  • Round
  • Hexdecagonal – 16-sided
  • Dodecagonal – 12-sided
  • Octagonal – 8-sided
  • Hexagonal – 6-sided
  • Square – 4-sided
d1 Depth of section at start of member.
d2 Depth of section at end of member.
th Thickness of section (constant throughout the member length).

Assign Profile tab

Used to instruct the program to select a suitable steel section based on a profile classification, such as beam, column, double-angle, etc.

Setting Description
Select Profile Specification Specify a profile by selecting one of the options:
  • Angle
  • Double Angle
  • Beam
  • Column
  • Channel
The program will then assign a section based on that profile from the relevant built-in Steel table.