Specifications - Whole Structure dialog

Used for defining specifications and assigning them to nodes, members and elements.  

Opens when either:
  • the Specifications page is selected, or
  • the Specifications Layout tool in the Specifications group on the Specifications ribbon tab is selected
Setting Description
Specification list

All Specifications that have been defined for the model are listed here.

Highlight Assigned Geometry When this box is checked and you click on a specification in the Specifications dialog box, members that have been assigned the specification will appear highlighted in the structure window. For example in the previous figure, if you click on the MEMBER TRUSS specification, all truss members will be highlighted.
Edit/Delete Used to modify a previously assigned attribute, or delete it altogether.
Node… Opens the dialog, which is used to specify rigid links or specialized linkages in the structure.
Beam… Opens the dialog, which is used for specifying frame member specifications.
Plate… Opens the dialog, which is used to specify finite element specifications.
Toggle Specification

This is a switch setting which turns on what is called the toggle mode. In this mode, when an attribute is selected and assigned using the "Use Cursor to assign" method, the following happens.

  • Click on the member or element once - the attribute gets assigned.
  • Click on the same member or element a second time - the attribute gets de-assigned.
  • Click on the same member or element again, - the attribute gets re-assigned.

Thus each click will result in an assign if the attribute was un-assigned, and a de-assign if the attribute was assigned.

Assignment Method

The options under the Assignment Method are used to assign specifications to joints, members and elements.  The assignment method can be one of Assign To Selected Beams, Assign To View, Use Cursor To Assign or Assign To Edit List.  

  • Assign To Selected Beams - To assign a specification to selected nodes, members or elements, first select the specification from the Specifications dialog box.  The specification selected is highlighted.  Then select the nodes, members or elements to which this specification is to be assigned.  This is done by going to the Select menu, then choosing the appropriate cursor option.  Select the desired joints, members or elements using the cursor.  When all desired nodes, members or elements are selected, click the Assign To Selected Beams radio button, then click the Assign button. Note that the label for this button changes depending on whether nodes, members or elements are selected.
  • Assign To View - To assign a specification to all nodes, members or elements in a view, first select the specification from the Specifications dialog box.  The selected specification is highlighted.  Select the Assign To View radio button, then click the Assign button.  All nodes, members or elements in the structure are assigned this specification.
  • Use Cursor To Assign - To assign a specification to nodes, members or elements using the cursor, first select the specification from the Specifications dialog box.  The selected specification is highlighted.  Select the Use Cursor To Assign radio button, then click the Assign button. The button will appear depressed and the label will change to Assigning. Use the appropriate cursor (from the Select menu) to assign the selected specification to the individual nodes, members or elements. Click on the Assign button again to finish.
  • Assign To Edit List - To assign a specification using a typed list of node, member or element numbers, first select the specification from the Specifications dialog box.  The selected specification is highlighted.  Select the Assign To Edit List radio button, then type the list of node, member or element numbers and click the Assign button.