I Section dialog

Used to specify the section properties for a I Section user defined table section.

Opens when you click Add in the User Table Manager dialog when an I Section table is selected.

This section can be of constant depth (effectively a Wide Flange section) or a tapered member.

Depth of section at start node
Thickness of web
Thickness of top flange
Width of top flange
Thickness of bottom flange
Width of bottom flange
Depth at Start Node Depth of section at end node. This must be the larger depth of the two member nodes. You must provide member incidences accordingly.
Depth at End Node Depth of section at end node. Must be less than the depth at the start node.
Torsional Constant (Ix) Torsional constant ( IX or J) (see note #2)
Shear Area in Y (Ay) Shear area for shear parallel to Y-axis (see note #2)
Shear Area in Z (Az) Shear area for shear parallel to Z-axis (see note #2)
Additional Composite Flange

Set this option to add a composite concrete slab to the section.

Setting Description
B(left) Width of the composite slab to the left of the web center line
B(right) Width of the composite slab to the right of the web center line
Thickness Thickness of the composite slab
Modular Ratio The ratio of the modulus of elasticity of steel to concrete
Setting Description
OK Saves the UPT section and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without creating a new section.