Chinese Steel Design tab

Table 1. Settings group
Tool name Description

Secondary Member
Opens the Assign Secondary Member dialog, which is used to identify a member as a secondary member. The members they frame into will not be considered as restrained when determining automatic effective length calculations.

Brace Angle
Opens the Brace Angle dialog, which is used to set the angle between the brace and the beam in both directions.

Opens the Material Parameter dialog, which is used to add or modify a custom steel material for use in the Chinese Steel Design workflow.

General Section
Opens the General Section dialog, which is used to specify built-up section profiles for general shapes used in analysis.
Table 2. Design group
Tool name Description
Code Selection Select either the GB50017 (hot-rolled members) or GB50018 (cold-formed sections) from the drop-down list. The current code selection is used for creating code-specific parameter sets and assigning those to members. The design operations will be performed for both codes simultaneously.

General Design
Select this mode for common design per GB 50017-2017 and the limited seismic provisions of GB 50011.

Performance Design
Select this mode for common design along with seismic (fortification) performance check of GB 50011-17, chapter 17.

Opens the Chinese Steel Design dialog, which is used to select the design options and checks to be performed as well as to initiate the design process.
Table 3. Solution group
Tool name Description

Opens the Configure Solution dialog, which is used to select parameters to include within a solution set. This allows you to run different solution scenarios within the same model.
Solution Selection Select the current solution set name from the drop-down list to use in the design process.
Table 4. Performance group
Tool name Description

Storey Information
Opens the Storey Information dialog, which is used to define the story levels of the structure.

Dissipated Region
Opens the Dissipated Region dialog, which is used to assign the plastic zone to members for performance design.
Table 5. Select group
Tool name Description

Selects all members that have failed one or more design checks.

Selects all members that passed all the design checks.

Selects all members that have a maximum utilization of less than 30% of the design requirements.

Not Designed
Selects all members that have not been included in a design.

All beams in the selection set are deselected and any previously unselected beams are added to the selection set.

Select beams that are parallel to the selected global axis.
  • To XY
  • To YZ
  • To XZ

Opens the Select Groups dialog, which is used to select objects in a named group.

Property Name
Used to select nodes and members based on specifications associated with them. A number of specification types are included in the sub-menu list.

Missing Parameter
Select members which do not have parameter set assigned.
Table 6. Labels group
Tool name Description

Toggles the display of assigned parameter name for members.

Toggles the display of governing code check ratio for members.
Table 7. Results group
Tool name Description

Apply Optimize Results
Click to apply any update section sizes selected in the Results detail dialog. You will be prompted to re-analyze the structure.

Table Settings
Opens the Define Results Column dialog, which is used to select the table columns included in the results.

Section Query
Output the weight and length of selected members.
Table 8. Output group
Tool name Description

Member Report
Opens the detailed design results for a single member. Use the tools to select which items are included in the report as well as to export it to different outputs.

Export Report
Opens the Export Report dialog, which is used to select portions of the results to include in a report.
Performance Factor Output the performance factor for seismic performance design.