Standard Profile Databases dialog

Used to assign standard database catalog sections for steel members.

Opens when either:
  • Standard is selected on the Section tab of the Properties - Whole Structure dialog, or
  • a section type is selected from the Standard tool in the Beam Profiles group on the Specification ribbon tab

Click Add to add the selected profile (with type specifications and optional material) to the model.

Click Assign to add the selected profile and assign it to selected members.

Setting Description
Databases Lists of section tables included in each database.
Profile list The list of profiles in the selected database table.

Selecting a profile displays key dimensions in the section preview.

View Table Opens the database table in the Section Database Manager program.
Type Specification Select one of the section types from the drop-down list to use for the selected profile. See below for details on the various type specifications used.
Material Check this option to assign the selected material definition to the member along with the section.
Table 1. Type-specs for various profile types
type-spec Description Diagram
ST standard, single section from the built-in tables
RA single reverse angle (reverse Y-Z axes, refer to G.4.2 Local Coordinate System)

double profile. In the case of channels, back-to-back

The spacing between shapes is provided using the SP additional specification.

LD double angle with long legs back-to-back
SD double angle with short legs back-to-back
T tee section cut from I shaped section
CM composite section, available for I shaped sections
TC section with top cover plate
BC section with bottom cover plate

section with both top and bottom cover plate

top plate dimensions are described using WP and TH parameter values and bottom plate dimensions are described using BW and BT parameter values


front-to-front (i.e., toe-to-toe) channels.

SA double angle in a star arrangement (heel to heel)