G.4.2 Local Coordinate System

A local coordinate system is associated with each member. Each axis of the local orthogonal coordinate system is also based on the right hand rule.

The following figures show a beam member with start joint 'i' and end joint 'j'. The positive direction of the local x-axis is determined by joining 'i' to 'j' and projecting it in the same direction. The right hand rule may be applied to obtain the positive directions of the local y and z axes. The local y and z-axes coincide with the axes of the two principal moments of inertia. Note that the local coordinate system is always rectangular.

Figure 1. When Global-Y is Vertical
Figure 2. When Global-Z is Vertical (that is, SET Z UP is specified)

A wide range of cross-sectional shapes may be specified for analysis. These include rolled steel shapes, user-specified prismatic shapes etc.. The following table shows local axis system(s) for these shapes.

Wide Flange - ST

Wide Flange - TB

Wide Flange - CM

Angle - ST

Angle - RA

Angle - LD

(Long legs back-to-back)

Angle - SD

(Short legs back-to-back)

Wide Flange - T

Channel - ST

Channel - D


Tube - ST

Figure 3. Local axis system for various cross sections when global Y axis is vertical
Figure 4. Labels for the local axes of a single angle as defined in AISC publications.

Wide Flange - ST

Wide Flange - TB

Wide Flange - CM

Angle - LD

Angle - SD

Channel - ST

Wide Flange - T

Channel - D


Tube - ST

Angle - ST

Angle - RA

Figure 5. Local axis system for various cross sections when global Z axis is vertical (SET Z UP is specified).