Legacy Profile Databases dialog

Used to assign legacy catalog sections for steel, timber, and aluminum members. Sections or organized by material, country, and then profile.

Opens when Section Database is clicked on the Properties - Whole Structure dialog.

Setting Description
Tables list Select the type of section by clicking on the appropriate tab and then select the specific section from the list box. Please note that depending on the type of section selected, additional properties may be specified. 
View Table This option displays all member properties for the aluminum table.
Material Select this option to select the material from the drop down list if the new member property tag should include the material constants.
Type Specification Refer to TR.20.1 Assigning Properties from Legacy SteelTables for details on type specifications for different table profiles.

Steel tab

Used to select hot-rolled and joint sections. Displays the contents of the various country steel tables in a series of tabs on the left hand side of the dialog.

Coldformed Steel tab

Used to select cold-formed steel sections.

Timber tab

Used to select standard species and size timbers as well as glue-laminated sections for American and Canadian standards.

Setting Description
Naming Convention Click and hold to display a pop-up of the nomenclature conventions used for the currently selected catalog.

Aluminum tab

Used to assign aluminum sections to members from the built-in American aluminum table.