Add New Wind Definitions (data) dialog

Used to add wind pressure data or code-specific wind parameters.

Intensity tab

Setting Description
Select Type Choose the method of specifying wind pressure values from the drop-down:
  • ASCE 7, IS 875, GB 50009, or Custom – Code generated or user-entered intensity values:
    Setting Description
    Intensity vs. Height table Enter pairs of data for wind pressure at a given height (in the current units).

    Int cells – wind intensities (pressures) in force/area. Up to 100 different intensities can be defined in the input file per type.

    Height cells – corresponding heights in global vertical direction, measured in terms of actual Y (or Z for Z UP ) coordinates up to which the corresponding intensities occur.
    Generate Opens the code-specific wind load dialog, which is used to generate a wind load per the ASCE 7, IS 875, or GB 50009 specifications (depending on code selection). Input data on the type of structure, surrounding terrain, and wind.
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85 or SP 20.13330.2016 – Russian wind load parameters:
    Setting Description
    Pressure the characteristic value of wind pressure, always positive
    terrain roughness category:
    1. Coastal Zone.
    2. Urban Zone.
    3. Large City.
    Region Wind region as per clause 11.5 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* 2016. This is used to determine the wind pressure in determine the dynamic wind component.
    logarithmic decrement of oscillations, Delta (see table 11.5 - Section 11.1.8 for the definition). Typically values are:
    • 0.15 for steel towers, masts, lined chimneys, column means including the ones on the reinforced concrete pedestals
    • 0.3 for reinforced concrete and stone structures as well as for buildings with steel framework if there are walling structures

Exposures tab

Setting Description

exposure factors.  A value of 1.0 means that the wind force may be applied on the full influence area associated with the joint(s) if they are also exposed to the wind load direction.  Limit: 99 factors.