Generate Wind Definition and Wind Load Case for Chinese GB 50009dialog

Used to enter code parameters for generating wind intensity values based on the GB 50009 2012 code

Opens when either:
  • Generate is clicked in the Add New Wind Definitions dialog with the GB 50009-2012 type selected
  • the Wind Load Generator > GB 50009 : 2012 tool is selected from the Load Generation group on the Loading ribbon tab

Wind Definition tab

Setting Description
Calculate Wind Height Factor (mu_z) The following parameters are input used calculate the height variation factor for the wind pressure, μz :
Setting Description
Specify Ground Line Check this option to specify the Mapping Ordinate in Model value. This is the elevation of the bottom of the current calculation part of the current building. If unchecked, the program assumes a ground level of Y = 0.
Focused Building Height (H) This is the total height (H) of the current building. Click the Geometry Figure button to open a diagram with further explanation of the building height vs. ground level values.
Height (z) & Wind Intensity Curve Select the method to sub-divide the height above ground into discreet points of the wind intensity curve:
  • Segment Count to Divide Height (H) Equally - This is the segment count to divide equally the total height (H) of the current building. This is used to calculate the individual height (z) where the wind pressure needs to be calculated.
  • Equal Segment Length Along Height (H) - This is the segment length, and the length is equal. The length is along the total height (H) of the current building. This is used to calculate the individual height (z) where the wind pressure needs to be calculated.
  • Provide Special Height (z) - This is the special height (z) list. This is the individual height (z) where the wind pressure needs to be calculated. The delimiter for the individual height (z) can be comma (,) or space, such as 3,6,9.
Roughness Type This is the roughness type. The value can be A, B, C or D.
Modification Factor This is the modification factor. This is to modify the height variation factor for the wind pressure.
Calculate Wind Shape Factor (mu_s) The following parameters are input used to calculate the wind shape factor, μs :
Setting Description
Shape Item ID

The list of the shape item ID and the shape item name, these shape items are from Chinese load code GB 50009.

  • 30 : Closed Polygon Building
  • 37 : Circular Section Structure (Chimney)
Secondary Shape Type

The secondary shape types of the shape item 30 (Closed Polygon Building) are shown as the following:

  • Rectangle
  • L Shape
  • C Shape
Set Shape Factor …

This is used to set the shape factor of the structure. STAAD.Pro will set the default values of the shape factor of the current secondary shape type of the current shape item from the config database on the Set Shape Factor dialog. You can modify the shape factor.

Positive value is for the windward face.

Negative value is for the leeward face.

Every face name is shown in the first row, every direction of wind from is shown in the first column, on the Set Shape Factor dialog.

For circular structures, the shape factor is calculated based on several parameters:
  • Bulge Height on Face (delta) -
  • Section Diameter - select if there is any change in diameter along the height and if that change is linear or nonlinear:
    • No Change (i.e., straight) - type the Section Diameter of the entire structure
    • Linear Change (i.e., tapered) - type the Section Diameter (at the base) and the Top Section Diameter.
    • Nonlienar Change (i.e., stepped) - type the height and diameter of each section along the structure in the table
Interference Factor from Other Building This is the mutual interference factor from other building.
Calculate Reference Wind Pressure (w0) The following parameters are used to calculate the reference wind pressure, w0:
Setting Description
Reference Wind Pressure (w0) This is the reference wind pressure (w0).
Modification Factor This is the modification factor. This is to modify the reference wind pressure (w0).
Calculate Along-wind Vibration Factor (beta_z) The following parameters are input used to calculate the wind-induced vibration factor, βz :
Setting Description
Consider Along-wind Vibration Factor Consider the wind-induced vibration factor, βz , along-wind or not.
Damping Ratio This is the damping ratio of the current building. It should be greater than 0.
Structure Type Select either:
  • High-rise Building - The structure type of the current building is high-rise building. The high-rise building is the modern building which is very tall and has many levels or floors. The width of the windward face of the high-rise building is larger than that of the high-tower structure.
  • High-tower Structure - The structure type of the current structure is high-tower structure. The width of the windward face of the high-tower structure is far less than its height, and is also less than that of the high-rise building.
Basic Natural Period / Basic Natural Period in Direction X/ Z (T1) This is the basic natural vibration period (T1) of the current building. For a High-rise Building, two values along are required, along each X and Z directions. These may be different values.

Click Calculate T1 as per GB 50009 to open a dialog with a calculation aide. This allows you to provide additional building parameters to assist in calculating the natural period. Pay close attention to the limitations noted in the dialogs as these values are only applicable to the building types described.

Provide Width of Windward Face …

This is used to provide the width of the windward face of the current structure.

Wind From: This is the direction of the wind from.

Width: This is the width of the windward face of the current structure. This is just for the high-rise building.

Bottom: This is the bottom width of the windward face of the current structure. This is just for the high-tower structure.

Top: This is the top width of the windward face of the current structure. This is just for the high-tower structure.

Set Influence Factor for Wind Direction Click this to open a dialog where independent influence factors can be specified for each wind direction: Left (+X), Right (-X), Front (-Z), and Rear (+Z). These are all taken as unity (1.0) by default.

Wind Load Case tab

Setting Description
Generate Wind Load Case The wind load case associated with the wind definition will be generated when this parameter is checked, otherwise, the wind load case will be not generated.
Define Range of Wind Load … This is used to define the range of the wind load action for every face of the structure. Every face is shown in the first column on the dialog.
X Min The min value of X axis for the current face of the structure.
X Max The max value of X axis for the current face of the structure.
Y Min The min value of Y axis for the current face of the structure.
Y Max The max value of Y axis for the current face of the structure.
Z Min The min value of Z axis for the current face of the structure.
Z Max The max value of Z axis for the current face of the structure.
Open The structure is open or not.