Create Wind Type Definition dialog

Used to add a new wind load definition.

Opens when the Wind tool is selected in the Define Load Systems group on the Loading ribbon tab.

Setting Description
Type No. Denotes a number by which the wind load type will be identified. Multiple wind types can be created in the same model.
Comments An optional description used to help identify the load.
Code Select the method or building code you want to use for wind load definitions:
  • Custom - enter a list of height vs wind pressure value pairs
  • ASCE 7: 1995
  • ASCE 7: 2002
  • ASCE 7: 2010
  • ASCE 7: 2016
  • GB 50009-2012
  • IS 875 (Part 3): 2015
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85
  • SP 20.133330.2016