Add New Seismic Definitions dialog

Used to define the parameters for performing a dynamic analysis using the static equivalent approach as outlined in the various seismic codes supported by STAAD.Pro.

Opens when the Seismic > <code name> tool is selected in the Define Load Systems group on the Loading ribbon tab.

Weights are added to a seismic definition through the other tabs of the Add New: Seismic Definition dialog. Seismic load items using this definition are applied using the Add New : Load Items dialog.

Seismic Parameters tab

Setting Description

Select the code you wish to use for defining seismic parameters.

Include Accidental Load Select this option to calculate the accidental torsion component described in the appropriate code.

When selected, an additional moment will be generated at each node which has a lateral force, f, applied such that it will be calculated as m = 0.05 × f × wf, where wf is difference between the maximum and minimum ordinates, perpendicular to the applied seismic load, of the model at the height of the node.

Include IS 1893 Part 4 (IS 1893 - 2002/2005 only) Set this option to specify loads per IS 1893 (Part 4) 2005 for industrial or stack-like structures. When set, the a value for ST is required (1 or 5). When set and ST of 5 is used, CV and DV are also required.
Generate (IS 1893 - 2002/2005 only) Opens the IS:1893 Seismic Parameters dialog box, which is used to populate the parameter fields with appropriate values for the IS 1893 - 2002 code.
Parameters table A table of the code-relevant seismic parameters is listed.

Refer to TR.31.2 Definitions for Static Force Procedures for Seismic Analysis for technical details on each code parameter.

Wall Area tab

Used to add shear wall areas for the first story above ground necessary to compute static seismic loads for IS1893 2016 only. Specify seismic resisting walls for each global direction (X and Z) only. The width is the thickness of the wall and length is the length along the global direction (i.e., plan dimensions of the walls).

Refer to Wall Area Definitions for details.

Self Weight tab

Used to add the selfweight of the structure.

Setting Description
SelfWeight Factor The factor to be used to multiply the selfweight.

Joint Weights tab

Used to add the concentrated weights acting at one or more joints.

Setting Description
Joint Weight

Specify the magnitude of the joint weight.

Member Weights tab

Used to add distributed and concentrated weights acting on member spans.

Setting Description
Loading Type

Select either a Concentrated or Uniform load type.


Specify the intensity of the distributed weight or magnitude of the concentrated weight.

Starting / Ending Distance

Specify the location along the member where the weight is applied, in current units.

Element Weights tab

Used to add pressure loads on slabs if the structural model consists of plate elements representing entities like floor slabs.

Setting Description

Specify the magnitude of the uniform pressure, in the current units. Since it is a weight, it is a quantity without a sign.

Reference Load tab

Used to add reference loads to the seismic definition.

Setting Description
Available Load Cases A list of all previously defined reference loads included in the STAAD.Pro input file. Reference loads are created using the dialog.
Referenced Load

A list of included reference load cases for to be used in the seismic definition are included here. You may specify a different Factor value by which the reference load case is multiplied when used for the seismic load.

Along Select a global direction along which the reference load case acts as a weight.

Floor Weights tab

Used to add floor loads when no slab is present or defined in the structural model.

For additional information on the Floor Load command, refer to TR.32.4.3 Floor Load Specification . The parameters for Floor Weight are analogous to those for the Floor Load command.

Setting Description
Range Select this option to specify a Floor load or One-way load by specifying a range.

Select this option to specify a Floor load or One-way load to act on a previously defined Floor group.

Groups are created using the dialog.


Specify the magnitude of the uniform pressure, in the current units. The pressure value is provided as a quantity without sign because it is contributing to the overall weight - a numerically positive term.

Define Y/X/Z Range Specify Minimum and Maximum values to define a range in the global directions when the Range option is selected.
One Way Distribution Set this option to use a one-way load distribution. Refer to TR.32.4.2 One-way Load Specification for additional information on using a one-way load.
Towards (One-way Distribution only) Select an existing member onto which the loading is directed and defines the span direction for the one way loading. Otherwise, the load will be distributed to the longer member.
Member Group Select a previously defined floor group from the list.
Inclined (Group option only) This option is required to be set when a group of members that form a panel are inclined to the global XY, YZ, or ZX planes.