Create Primary Load Case dialog

Used to create new primary load cases.

Opens when the Primary Load Case tool is selected from the Loading Specifications group on the Loading ribbon tab.

Setting Description

Specify a the load case Number the program recommends, or specify one of our own.

Loading Type

Used to associate the load case we are creating with any of the ACI, AISC, or IBC definitions of Dead, Live, Ice, etc. This type of association needs to be done in order to make use the program's facility for automatically generating load combinations in accordance with those codes.

The available load types are the following:

Dead Soil Ice
Live Rain Water/ Ice Wind on Ice
Roof Live Ponding Crane Hook
Wind Dust Mass (See Notes a-c)
Seismic-H (horizontal, See Note d) Traffic Gravity
Seismic-V (vertical, See Note d) Temperature Push
Snow Accidental None
Fluids Flood  
Reducible per UBC/IBC

(for Loading Type = Live only) Select this option if the load will be a reducible load per building code.

The UBC 1997, IBC 2000, and IBC 2003 codes permit reduction of floor live loads under certain situations. Please refer to TR.32.4 Area, One-way, and Floor Load Specifications for details of this feature.

Title Type an optional title which is used to describe the load for identification in modeling and in reports.