Create Mass Model dialog

Used to generate a mass model for dynamic load cases based on a selected set of load cases.

Opens the Mass Model Generator tool is selected from the Load Generation group on the Loading ribbon tab.

Add or remove available primary and reference load cases to the selected load cases list using the > and >> buttons. These will be included with the current Load Factor value.

You can remove unwanted load cases from the selected list by using the < and << buttons.

Setting Description
Generate Mass as Select the load case in which the mass model will be generated:
  • New Reference Load Case
  • Add into 1st Dynamic Load Case
Load Factor Type a load factor to use for the load cases to include. This will be applied to the load cases added but can be changed for subsequent load cases.
Available Primary Load Cases A list of all primary load cases in the model. Only those of the appropriate load types for mass modeling are active for use.
Available Reference Load Cases A list of all reference load cases in the model. Only those of the appropriate load types for mass modeling are active for use.
Selected Load Cases This is the list of load cases that will be included in the generated mass model, along with their load type and load factor.