Add New Direct Analysis Definition dialog

Used to define parameters used in the direct analysis method described in AISC 360 Appendix 7.

Opens then the Direct Analysis tool is selected in the Define Load Systems group on the Loading ribbon tab.

Refer to TR.31.7 Definition of Direct Analysis Members for additional details.

Each tab in the dialog contains a different parameter used for direct analysis. The parameters are:

Setting Description
FLEX Identification of members whose flexural stiffness is considered to contribute to the lateral stability of the structure, along with the initial value of τb that should be used. Members listed with FLEX will have their EI factored by 0.80 times τb while performing the global solution. The final member forces and code check will be with 100% of the flexural stiffness.
AXIAL Identification of members whose axial stiffness is considered to contribute to the lateral stability of the structure. These members will have their EA factored by 0.80 while performing the global solution. The final member forces and code check will be with 100% of the axial stiffness.