Plate Specs dialog

Used to specify finite element specifications.

Opens when either:
  • Plate is clicked on the Specifications - Whole Structure dialog, or
  • the Plate tool in the Specifications group on the Specifications ribbon tab is selected

This dialog contains multiple tabs, each of which is used to add a different member specification.

Release tab

Used to release one or more degrees of freedom at the corner nodes of the elements. Unless a release is specified, elements are rigidly connected at the nodes (all six degrees of freedom are restrained) unless the node is a cantilever node or is supported.

Setting Description

Select the node to be released. The node number depends on the Element Incidence for the element.


Check the boxes for the FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, or MZ directions to define the element release condition. These are based on the local coordinate system for the element.

Offset tab

Used to add rigid link offsets from element incident joints to the element corners.

Refer to TR.25.2 Element Offset Specification for additional details.
Setting Description
Direction Select one of the following direction options for assigning offsets:
  • Local - the nodal offsets at a specified joint are given in the element local axes.
  • Global - the nodal offsets at a specified joint are given in the global axes.
  • Z Offset - the offset is specified along the local z axis of the element (i.e., parallel offset to the plane of the element)
Local of Global Offsets Select the incident node number of the element and type the offsets in the given units.
Z Offsets Type the offset distance at each node.

Ignore Inplane Rotation tab

Used to override the value that STAAD determines for the stiffness associated with the local axis Mz degree of freedom for plate elements.

Refer to TR.24 Element Plane Stress and Ignore Inplane Rotation Specification for additional information.

There are no additional parameters for this plate element specification.

Rigid Inplane Rotation tab

Used to connect corner Mz in-plane rotation actions so that the element will carry the Mz moment to other joints rigidly. This is typically used for elements connected directly to beams.

Refer to TR.24 Element Plane Stress and Ignore Inplane Rotation Specification for additional information.

There are no additional parameters for this plate element specification.

Plane Stress tab

Used to model plate elements as Plane Stress elements.

Refer to TR.24 Element Plane Stress and Ignore Inplane Rotation Specification for additional information.

There are no additional parameters for this plate element specification.

Ignore Stiffness tab

Used to instruct the program to neglect the stiffness of the selected plates while assembling the stiffness matrix. Hence, the stiffness contribution of the selected plates is not considered. This is similar to the Inactive command for the members.

When modeling plate elements, often we come across situations where we want the plates to carry loads, but at the same time do not want the stiffness of the plates to be considered in the analysis. For example, structural units such as glass panels or corrugated sheet roofs are subjected to loads like wind pressures or snow loads. While these elements are designed to carry the loads and transmit the same to the other parts of the structure, they are not designed to provide any additional stiffness to the structure.

There are no additional parameters for this plate element specification.