M. To assign material constants

To assign material constants to model objects (beams, plates, or solids), use the following procedure.

You may want to set the input units to a familiar set of units for a particular material value before assigning a material constant.
  1. Select the model object which have the same material constant.
  2. On the Specifications ribbon tab, select the Constants tool in the Materials group.

    A drop-down list of material constants opens.
  3. Select the constant you want to assign:
    • Young's Modulus
    • Poisson's Ratio
    • Shear Modulus
    • Density
    • Thermal Coefficient
    • Damping Ratio
    The corresponding dialog for the material constant opens.
  4. Either:
    • select a predefined material constant value for a built-in material name: Aluminum, Concrete, or Steel
    • select the Enter Value option and type a value for the material constant
  5. Select the To Selection option to limit the assignment to the selection set.
  6. Click OK.