Define Input tab

Used to define general definition and member specific parameters for a pushover analysis.

Figure 1. Add New : Pushover dialog Define Input tab

General Input Parameters

Select this control to add general parameters for the entire structure.

Setting Description
Type of Frame

Select either a fully restrained Moment Frame (FR) or a (Concentric) Braced Frame (CBF) to defined the type of steel frame.

Geometric Non-Linearity Effect

Select either Ignore Effect, if nonlinear effects are not to be considered, or Include Effect, if nonlinear effects are to be considered.

Displacement Tolerance

(For when Geometric Non-Linearity Effect is considered only) Set this option to specify a displacement tolerance for convergence, in current input units.

No. of Iterations

(For when Geometric Non-Linearity Effect is considered only) Set this option to specify a target number of iterations for geometric nonlinearity convergence.

No. of Iterations for KG Matrix

Set this option to specify the number of iterations to be performed for geometric stiffness, KG, matrix. The value is a integer, with a maximum value of 50.

Max. no. of Analysis Cycles

Set this option to specify a maximum number of cycles to be considered during the strain hardening stage for the load increment stage.

Displacement Incremental Value

Set this option to include intermediate displacement increments, in current units of length, at which the program will record analysis results for post-processing.

Base Shear Incremental Value

Set this option to include intermediate base shear increments, in current units of force, at which the program will record analysis results for post-processing.

Print Output Results

Set this option to print analysis results for the final state for a nonlinear static analysis.

  • Select the Print Step Results option to include the analysis results of the final load step in the output.
  • Select the Print Results Output option and then a results type to limit the output.

Member Specific Parameters

Select this control to add parameters for members which will be assigned later.

Setting Description
Expected Yield Stress

Expected yield strength of the material based on Section and Tables 5-1 and 5-2 of FEMA 356.

Effective Length Factor for Member (Y/Z)

The effective length factor, k, defined for any member in either the local Y or local Z direction.