Define Solution Control tab

Used to define the limit of the pushover analysis by either limiting base shear or displacement at a control joint.

Figure 1. Add New : Pushover dialog Define Solution Control tab
Setting Description
Push Up to Defined Base Shear

Set this option to limit the analysis by force. The pushover analysis will continue until the cumulative base shear is less than or equal to the base shear specified by this command or the structure has additional strength.


Select the global direction of base shear for this solution control.

Defined Base Shear

Specify a target base shear value, in current units of force.

Push Up to Defined Displacement at Control Joint

Set this option to limit the analysis by displacement. The pushover analysis will continue until the displacement at the specified joint at the specified direction exceeds specified displacement.


Select the global direction of displacement for this solution control.

Joint Displacement Value

Specify a target displacement value, in current units of length.

Joint Number

Select the control joint from the list of nodes.