TR. Save Output Results for Multiple Steps

By default the intermediate analysis results are saved for positive increments only at 0.1-inch incremental value of displacement at roof or at control joint. However, you instruct the program to save results at specific intermediate steps. This will create binary post-processing files that include load step results at user-defined points.

General Format


If DISP is defined, this is the incremental value of displacement at roof or at control joint in current units. If no value is given 0.1 inch is taken as default.

If BSHEAR is defined, this is the incremental value of base shear in current units. If no value is given, 5.0 kip is taken as default

If the value of base shear defined is B and incremental value of BSHEAR is f, the number of intermediate results that can be saved in B / f. The maximum allowable value is 500. Similarly, if the value of allowable displacement at control joint is D and incremental value of DISP is n, the number of intermediate results that can be saved in D / n. The maximum allowable value is 500.

Besides saving user-defined intermediate results, the other cases where intermediate results will be saved are as follows:

  • A frame hinge is formed
  • A frame hinge is trying to unload
  • A frame hinge has failed