Add New Enclosed Zone Definitions dialog

Used to define an enclosed zone boundary, openings within the boundary, and any members to ignore for boundary or load transfer.

Opens when either:
  • Add is clicked on the Load & Definition dialog with the Definitions > Enclosed Zone Definitions entry selected, or
  • the Enclosed Zone tool is selected from the Define Load Systems group on the Loading ribbon tab

Boundary tab

Setting Description
Enclosed Zone Name Type a name which will be used to identify this enclosed zone definition for use in load cases.
Create Boundary group To select the nodes to use for this boundary, click Select and then click the nodes in the view window.

The Node List displays the nodes which define the vertices of the enclosed zone boundary. You may also manually edit this node list.

Openings tab

The name of the currently enclosed zone definition is displayed at the top of this tab for reference.

Setting Description
Openings This table displays the node numbers used as vertices for any openings added to the enclosed zone definition. Multiple openings maybe added within a single boundary. Each row in the table includes a list of the nodes which define the vertices of the opening. You may also manually edit this node list.

To select the nodes used for a new opening, click Select and then click the nodes in the view window.

Ignore Members/Loads on Members

The name of the currently enclosed zone definition is displayed at the top of this tab for reference.

Setting Description
Ignore Bembers for Panel Formation This list of members will not be considered when identifying the panel boundary.

To add members to this list, click Select and then select the members in the view window. You may also manually edit this member list.

Ignore Bembers for Load Transfer This list of members will not be considered for load transfer when the program evaluates the distributed loads on members and nodal loads.

To add members to this list, click Select and then select the members in the view window. You may also manually edit this member list.