Add New Load Envelopes dialog

Used to create load envelopes, which are used to group results set under a single id and can later be used in post processing. If one or more tasks have to be performed for a set of load cases, such as, serviceability checks under steel design for one set of load cases, strength checks under steel design for another set of cases, etc., this feature is convenient.

Once load envelopes have been defined, you can select a Load Envelope for reporting results or design in the Result Setup dialogor the appropriate design setup dialog.

Opens when Add is clicked on the Load & Definition dialog with the Load Envelopes entry selected.

Setting Description
Envelope Specify a unique ID number for the load envelope.

The envelope can be tagged with optional key words to specify qualitative nature of the load or load combination cases included in the envelop definition. Based on the nature of the load cases in the envelope, you can define appropriate design parameters for each envelope.

For example, for design under wind load condition, most of the design codes allow increase of allowable stresses. Design routine can increase the allowable stress used in interaction equation, when it does the design for the envelope. Another application of this feature can be to specify separate load groups for serviceability check, working stress and limit state checks.

Available list All primary load and load combinations cases are listed here.
List Operators
Click this button… to…
> Add the selected load case to the Selected list
>> Add all load cases to the Selected list.
<< Remove all entries in the Selected list, load combination is placed back in the Available list.
< Remove the selected entry from the Selected list.
Selected list Loads to be considered in this Load Envelope.