Nodal Load tab

Used to apply nodal loads.

The following options are available under this tab:


Setting Description
Fx/Fx', Fy/Fy', Fz/Fz' Type values of the forces in corresponding global directions or inclined axis (') directions when the Inclined Load? option is checked. A negative sign (-) may be used.
Mx/Mx', My/My', Mz/Mz' Type values of the moments about the corresponding global directions or inclined axis (') directions when the Inclined Load? option is checked. A negative sign (-) may be used.
Inclined Load? Check this option to specify the load along an inclined coordinate system. An inclined coordinate system is defined by an X' axis that pass from the loaded joint through a reference point. That reference point can be defined either a reference node, a set of absolute (global) coordinates, or a set of relative distances from the loaded joint.
Inclination Select the option used to define the inclined coordinate system.
  • Reference Node - select an existing node number from the model. The global coordinates of that node are displayed as read-only.
  • Absolute - type the global coordinates of an arbitrary point to use as the reference.
  • Relative - type relative distances from the loaded joint to the reference point. These distances are measured along the global axes.

The reference point –whether it is specified using absolute coordinates, relative distances, or a reference joint– defines the direction of the x' axes from the loaded node to the reference point. The direction of the Y' axes is then defined as the direction perpendicular to x' that lies in the plane of X' and Y. In the special case of when X' is in the direction of Y, Y' is taken to be the direction of Z. The direction of Z' is then defined as the direction perpendicular to the plane X' and Y' and follows the right-hand rule as for all other axes systems used in STAAD.Pro.

Support Displacement

Used to specify a support displacement. Multiple support displacements may be used for a single load case, but each support value and direction must be entered independently.

Setting Description
Displacement Specify the value of the displacement. A negative sign (-) may be used.
Direction Select the direction of the displacement as Fx, Fy, or Fz (translational), or Mx, My, or Mz (rotational).

Region NodeLoad

Used to specify a varying pressure at each joint on a plate or region. This load item can be applied on joints directly whether they are plate corner nodes or not.

Setting Description
Joint Load Data Choose Three Noded Facet or Four Noded Facet, depending on whether the loaded area is 3-noded or 4-noded.
Pressure Table Specify the corner node number and corresponding pressure load, in the current units (displayed).
Direction The load may be applied along the Local Z axis of an element or along one of the global X, Y, or Z axes (GX, GY, or GZ).