P Delta Analysis tab

Used to direct STAAD.Pro to perform a second order analysis.

Refer to TR.37.2 P-Delta Analysis Options for additional information.

Setting Description
P Delta Method Select one of the following options:
Setting Description
Large and Small Delta

Select this option to include both P- large and small Delta effects (recommended), sometimes referred to as P-δ & P-Δ. Both the large & small P-Delta effects are included in calculating the end forces, (5 to 10 iterations will usually be sufficient).

Large Delta only Only include the PlargeDelta effects (P-Δ only). STAAD.Pro performs a first order linear analysis and obtains a set of joint forces, from members/plates based on the large P-Delta effect, which are then added to the original load vector. A second analysis is then performed on this updated load vector.
Stress Stiffening (KG)

P-Delta analysis including stress stiffening effect of the KG matrix. With this option the global stiffness is adjusted with every iteration.

A regular STAAD.Pro P-Delta Analysis performs a first order linear analysis and obtains a set of joint forces from member/plates based on the large P-Delta effect.  These forces are added to the original load vector.  A second analysis is then performed on this updated load vector (5 to 10 iterations will usually be sufficient).

In the new P-Delta KG Analysis, that is, with the Kg option selected, the effect of the axial stress after the first analysis is used to modify the stiffness of the member/plates.  A second analysis is then performed using the original load vector.  Large & small P-Delta effects are always included (1 or 2 iterations will usually be sufficient).

Number of Iterations (n) Specify the number of iterations to be performed. If specified, the program will perform the specified number of iterations whether or not the solution converges.
Print Option Standard STAAD.Pro analysis print options:
Setting Description
No Print No analysis results will be printed to the output file.
Load Data Prints all the load data.
Statics Check Provides a summation of the applied loads and support reactions as well as a summation of moments of the loads and reactions taken around the origin.
Statics Load Prints everything that Statics Check does, plus a summation of all internal and external forces at each joint. This option potentially generates a large volume of output.
Mode Shapes Prints mode shape values at the joints for all calculated mode shapes.
Both This option is equivalent to the Load Data plus Statics Check options.
All This option is equivalent to the Load Data plus Statics Check.