STAAD Analysis and Design dialog

This dialog box represents the user interface with the STAAD Analysis and Design engine.

This window runs as a separate process which can be seen as a separate icon in the Windows Taskbar.

The main panel of the dialog indicates how the analysis process is proceeding. This is displays as text which is updated during the process. Further, if an error occurs during the analysis, the above dialog box displays the error message.

During the analysis process, an Abort button may be clicked to terminate the process, which may be of use during an especially long duration analysis. This button changes to Done once the analysis is complete.

The following options allow you to control what happens when you click Done.

  • View Output File – opens the STAAD Output Viewer with the analysis results presented in a textual format.
  • Go to Post Processing Mode – opens the STAAD.Pro Postprocessor workflow where you can graphically view results.
  • Stay in Modeling Mode – closes the dialog while staying in the Analytical Modeling workflow.

The window has a menu of controls available when clicking the title bar application icon. In addition to standard Windows application menu items, this contains:

  • Do not Stay On Top / Stay On Top - toggles pinning this application window on top of other application windows, even when it looses focus.
  • About STAAD Analysis and Design - opens a dialog with version and copyright information of the application.