Analysis/Print Commands dialog (Post Print)

Used to define the post-analysis print commands to be included in the Input Command File. Commands are indicated by their respective tab.

Opens when:

Load List tab

Used to select the Load Cases to be included in the output.

Setting Description
Load Cases list All load cases and combinations in the input file are listed here.
Selection tools  
Load List Contains all the selected load cases which will be included in the output.

Section tab

Used to specify up to five sections along the length of frame members where forces and moment results are desired.

Joint Displacement tab

Used to print joint displacements in a tabulated form.  The displacements for all six degrees of freedom will be printed for all specified joints for all specified load cases.

Member Forces tab

Used to print member forces (i.e. axial force (AXIAL), shear force in local Y and Z axes (SHEAR-Y and SHEAR-Z), torsional moment (TORSION), moments about local Y and Z axes (MOM-Y and MOM-Z) in a tabulated form for all specified members for all specified load cases.

Setting Description
Global Selection this option to display the member forces in terms of the Global axis. Otherwise, member forces are presented in local member axis.

Support Reactions tab

Used to print support reactions in a tabulated form for all specified supports for all specified load cases.

Story Drift tab

Used to obtain a print-out of the average lateral displacement of all joints at each vertical level of the structure.

Cg tab

Prints the coordinates of the center of gravity of the structure.

Surface Forces tab

Physical Member Forces tab

Used to print produce member forces for all the analytical members in the physical member (PMEMBER) group

Buckling Shapes tab

Used to print the buckling shape for a Buckling Analysis.

Dia CR tab

Used to print the center of rigidity and center of mass for each rigid floor diaphragm in the model, which are used to determine the natural torsion moment for seismic loads which use that option.

Cable Sag

Used to include the sagging deflected shape of cable members for an Advanced Cable Analysis.

The output of a successful advanced cable analysis will report the cable sag in local XYZ coordinates. Post-analysis print will calculate the actual, nonlinear cable displacements along the length of cable.

Mode Shapes tab

Used to print mode shape values at every joint for all calculated modes.

Element Stress Solid tab

Used to print stresses at the center of solid elements for all specified solids for all specified load cases.

Setting Description
Print Element Stresses Select this option to print center stresses.
Print Element Joint Stresses Select this option to print stresses at the corner nodes.

Section Displacement tab

Used to calculate and print section displacements at sections (intermediate points) of frame members.

Setting Description
Number of Sections Number of intermediate sections at which results are to be reported.
Options The Maximum option prints only the maximum local displacements from among all load cases. The Save option saves the section displacements to a file for future reference. The No Print option does not print the section displacements to the .ANL file and should be used in conjunction with the Save option.

Select if the command is to be assigned to all members in the current view or to a selection of members.

Force tab

Used to print force/moment envelopes for frame members for the specified Number of Sections.  It prints the maximum and minimum values for every section for each specified load case.

Setting Description
Number of Sections Specify the number of equally-spaced sections to be considered.

Max Force tab

Used to print force/moment envelopes for frame members for the specified Number of Sections.  It prints the maximum and minimum values of all sections from among the specified load cases.

Setting Description
Number of Sections Specify the number of equally-spaced sections to be considered.

Analysis Results tab

Used to print Joint Displacements, Support Reactions, and Member Forces for all specified joints/members for all specified load cases. A message dialog will open to confirm you wish to add the Analysis Results command.

Member Section Forces tab


Member Stresses tab

Used to print member stresses at the start and end joints and at all specified intermediate sections of selected members.  These stresses include axial, (axial force over area), bending-y (moment-y over section modulus in local y-axis), bending-z (moment-z over section modulus in local z-axis), shear stress in both local y and z directions and combined (absolute combination of axial, bending-y and bending-z) stresses.

Element Forces/Stresses tab

Used to print stresses (FX, FY, FXY, QX, QY), moments per unit width (MX, MY, MXY) and principal stresses (SMAX, SMIN, TMAX)  at the centroid of plate elements.  The Von Mises stresses (VONT, VONB) as well as the angle (ANGLE) defining the orientation of the principal planes are also printed.

Selecting the Print Nodal Point Forces & Moments checkbox will also print stresses and moments at the corner nodes. The Print Force at Point option can be used to print element forces at any point within the element.

Setting Description
After current Select this option to add the pre analysis print statement being defined in the Command Tree after the currently selected (highlighted) command.
Setting Description

Assigns the selected print command to the input command file.


Used to assign the command to the current selection set.


Closes the dialog.


Opens the STAAD.Pro help window.