Analysis - Whole Structure dialog

Used to view, add, and assign analysis commands to the STAAD input file.

Opens when the Analysis page is selected.

Setting Description
Command Tree

The dialog box shows a tree view (called Command Tree) of the commands in the Input Command File. The Command Tree is a pictorial view of the Input Command File with the commands displayed as "Nodes" of the tree in the same sequence in which they appear in the Input Command File. Click on a command Node to expand the branch of the command and the command parameters appear as the "leaves" under that command node. The following paragraph describes the conventions followed in the Command Tree.

  • Green Check ( ) marks: Commands which can be re-specified or modified.
  • Gray Check ( ) marks: Commands which may not be changed.
  • Question ( ) marks: Commands which have been added but not assigned to any structural element (joint/member/element).
Define Commands… Opens the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, which is used to define the analysis commands to be included in the Input Command File.
Setting Description
Close Closes the dialog.
Help Opens the STAAD.Pro help window.