Steel Design - Whole Structuredialog

Used to select a steel design code, select parameters to use for design, and assign parameters to the model.

Opens when the Design >  Steel Design tool is selected from the Design group on the Analysis and Design ribbon tab.

Setting Description
Current Code

Select the code to use for design from the drop-down list.

Command Tree

Displays a summary of all input file commands. Each command is represented with that commands parameters as child elements. Click the [+] icon to expand the command to display parameters.

  • Green Check ( ) marks: Commands which can be re-specified or modified.
  • Gray Check ( ) marks: Commands which may not be changed.
  • Question ( ) marks: Commands which have been added but not assigned to any structural element (joint/member/element).
Highlight Assigned Geometry Select this option to have model objects highlighted in the View Window as commands are selected in the Command Tree
Toggle Assign

Select this option to use the toggle mode. In this mode, when an attribute is selected and assigned using the "Use Cursor to assign" method, the following happens.

  • Click on the member or element once - the attribute gets assigned.
  • Click on the same member or element a second time - the attribute gets de-assigned.
  • Click on the same member or element again, - the attribute gets re-assigned.

Thus each click will result in an assign if the attribute was un-assigned, and a de-assign if the attribute was assigned.

Define Parameters Opens the Design Parameters dialog for the selected code, which is used define design parameters and add them to the input file
Effective Length Opens the Effective Length Calculator dialog, which is used to calculate the effective length coefficient and length for members.
Commands Opens the Design Commands dialog, which is used to add design commands for the selected design code to the input file.
Assignment Method

Select the method for command/parameter assignment.

  • Assign to Selected <objects> - Available once objects are selected in the View window. Used to assign a Design option to selected joints, members or elements, first select the command from the Command Tree. Note that the label for this button changes depending on whether nodes, members or elements are selected.
  • Assign to View - Assigns the selected parameter all objects in the active View window. Only objects to which the parameter is relevant will receive the parameter (e.g., steel member design parameters are only assigned to beams).
  • Use Cursor To Assign - Use the mouse pointer to assign the parameter to model objects. Once selected, click the Assign button to activate this mode and click again to deactivate. The Toggle Assign option can also be used to aid in this mode.
  • Assign To Edit List - Used to assign with a typed list of object numbers, first select the material tag from the Materials dialog box.  The selected material is highlighted.  Select the Assign To Edit List radio button, then type the list of member or element numbers and click the Assign button.
  • Select Group/Deck - (Steel Design only) Active if either a group or deck has been defined in the input file and an appropriate parameter is selected. Opens the Select Group/Deck dialog, which is used to select the group for assignment.

Once an assignment method has been selected, the

Assign Used to assign the selected parameter to the selected objects.
Close Closes the dialog.
Help Opens the STAAD.Pro help window.