Annotation dialog

Used to annotate the display of results annotations in the View window with numerical values.

For example, when a bending moment diagram is displayed in the Main Window area, we may use this option to display the values of the maximum bending moment and/or the end-moment values of selected members.

Opens when the Annotate tool is selected in the Configuration group on the Results ribbon tab.

Ranges tab

Used to select the members and nodes for which we want to display the values. 

Setting Description
None Does not annotate any Member, Element, or Node.
All Annotates all Members, Elements, and Nodes in the current view.
View Annotates all Members, Elements and Nodes in a previously saved view.  Select the desired view from list of available views using the drop down list. 
Group Annotates all Members, Elements and Nodes in a previously saved group of structural elements. Select the Group option and then select the desired group from the view from list of available groups using the drop down list. 
Property Select this radio button to select the members by assigned Property Reference Number and description.
Ranges Specify Node, Member and/or Element numbers. You may specify individual values separated by comma, by a list, or specify a range such as 5-10.

Beam Results tab

Used to select the values, which will be displayed on the diagram.

Setting Description
Bending This group of check boxes determines the Bending Moment values which will be displayed on the Bending Moment Diagram. Ends option will display the end-moments of the members. Maximum option will display the maximum moment value. Mid point option will display the Bending Moment value at the mid point of the member.
Shear This group of check boxes determines the Shear Force values, which will be displayed on the Member Force diagram. Ends option will display the values at the two end nodes of the member. Maximum option will display the maximum force value. Mid point option will display the force value at the mid point of the member.
Axial Switch this on to annotate the axial tension or compression values at the start and end of selected members.
Max Resultant Displays the maximum resultant section displacement value for each member.
Combined Bending and Axial Stress This group of check boxes determines the stress values, which will be displayed on the Stress diagram. Ends option will display the values at the two end nodes of the member. Maximum option will display the maximum value. Mid point option will display the value at the mid point of the member

Node tab

Nodal point displacements can be annotated using these options. More than one may be used simultaneously.

Setting Description
Global X / Y / Z Display the point displacements of a node in any of the global directions.

Displays the SRSS resultant displacement. That is, the displacement as calculated by:

√(Global-X2 + Global-Y2 + Global-Z2)

Reactions tab

Used to select the Annotation type for the Support Reactions diagram.

Setting Description
Direct/Bending Check one or more check boxes from Global X/Global rX, Global Y/Global rY, Global Z/Global rZ to select the degrees of freedom to Annotate.
Show Lines Check this box to display line or arc with arrowhead to show the direction of the Reactions.
Scale Use these spin boxes to specify the Scale factors for the Reaction force and Reaction moment in the diagram.
Setting Description
Annotate Applies the selected annotation(s) to the View window.
Remove All Removes all annotations from the View window.
Close Closes the dialog box.