P. Plate Center Stress table

This table displays the stresses at the center of plate elements.

Opens when the Plate Results page is selected.

Shear, Membrane and Bending tab

This tab presents all Shear, Membrane and Bending Stresses for all specified Plates for all specified Load Cases.

Stress Summary tab

This table provides results of maximum Shear, Membrane and Bending stresses. The Plate element number and associated Load Case number are listed.

Stress Envelope

Displays the maximum positive plate stress and maximum negative plate stress values (shear, membrane, and bending) at each plate center for the envelope.

Principal and Von Mis tab

This table provides Principal and Von Mises Stresses for all specified Plates for all specified Load Cases similar to the Shear, Membrane and Bending tab.

Principal Summary tab

This table provides results of maximum Principal and Von Mises stresses in each row. The Plate element number and the associated Load Case number are also listed.

Principal Envelope

Displays the maximum positive and maximum negative Principal and Von Mises stresses values at each plate center for the envelope.

Global Moments tab

Depending on the various parameters specified by the user, for those plates whose plane is parallel to the selected global plane, the local axis moments MX, MY and MXY can be transformed into a moment about the selected global axis and plotted.

Combined Stress