Floor Vibration Output dialog

Used to review the floor vibration analysis per AISC Design Guide No. 11 for a specific floor system and load combination. To utilize this feature, the floor system must be defined as a composite deck in the modeling mode.

Opens when the Report >  Floor Vibration Report tool is selected from the Reports group on the Results ribbon tab.

The adequacy of a floor system from the standpoint of its vibration serviceability due to human activity, specifically walking excitation, can be assessed using STAAD.Pro. The procedures of Chapters 3 and 4 of the AISC Steel Design Guide Series No. 11 - Floor Vibrations due to Human Activity are used by the program.

The vibration calculation is done for:

  1. beam or the joist mode
  2. girder mode

The two modes are then combined to obtain the system frequency and other results of the combined mode using the Dunkerley relationship described in chapter 3 of the AISC Design Guide. Results for the 2 basic modes and the combined mode are provided in a tabular form.

The output for the combined mode consists of:

  1. the peak acceleration for walking excitation
  2. allowable acceleration (known in the code as the acceleration limit)

The design criterion as stated in the code in the third paragraph in Chapter 4 is that a floor system is satisfactory if the peak acceleration does not exceed the acceleration limit.

Setting Description

Select a previously defined Composite Deck.

Load Case Select the load case for analysis.
Check Performs the floor vibration checks per AISC Design Guide 11.
Print Opens a Print dialog, which is used to create a hard copy of the currently displayed floor vibration report.