Results Setup dialog

Used to select the load cases, mode shapes, and structural elements (beams, nodes, elements, etc.), which are included in the Postprocessing operations.

Opens when:

  • the Postprocessing workflow is first selected, or
  • when the Select Load Case tool is selected in the Configuration group on the Results ribbon tab.

Loads tab

Used to select the Load Cases to be included for Post Processing.

The Available list on the left displays all available load cases.

Click this button… to…
> Add the selected load case to the Selected list
>> Add all load cases to the Selected list.
<< Remove all entries in the Selected list, load combination is placed back in the Available list.
< Remove the selected entry from the Selected list.

The Selected list displays load cases that have been selected.

Modes tab

For dynamic analyses including response spectrum and time history analysis and/or modal extraction commands, the Modes tab becomes activated. This tab lists all available mode shape numbers.

Range tab

Offers selection conditions based on the attributes of Members, Nodes, Groups, Properties, etc. These options determine whether the result tables are to be displayed for all Members/Nodes/Elements, or for the selected ones.

Setting Description
All Selects all structural elements.

Selects the structural elements stored in a previously saved view. The drop down list displays all previously saved views for selection.


Selects the structural elements stored in a previously saved group. The drop down list displays all previously saved groups for selection.

Property Selects the structural elements having a specified property tag. The drop down list displays all existing property tags.
Ranges These edit boxes allow you to select Nodes and Beams by specifying a range.  Specify Node, Member and/or Element numbers. You may specify individual values separated by comma, by a list, or specify a range such as 5-10.
Detail Tables The Increments option specifies the number of segments into which a member would be broken up for printing section forces, displacements, etc. These are used in some output tables, such as:

Results View Options tab

STAAD.Pro provides you with two choices in the size to which results such as displacements and moment diagrams are plotted :

  1. Instruct STAAD.Pro to plot the result diagrams using a scale that will best fit the diagram within the window bounds. The drawback of this approach is that the variation in result values from one load case to the next will be hard to perceive if all load cases are plotted to the same maximum size dictated by the bounds of the drawing window.
  2. Instruct STAAD.Pro to use the same basic scale for all load cases. The drawback of this approach is that while some load cases will have their results fit within the window bounds, some others may be too hard to perceive due to their small values, and others may go out of the bounds of the screen. The user is then required to modify the scale of each plot individually to better see each plot.

Choosing between these two settings is done using this facility.

Setting Description
Enable Automatic Scaling Use this to switch on the type of scaling described in (a). If we wish to use (b) instead, leave this box unchecked.
Displacement/Deflection/Mode Shape/Beam Results These are the check boxes for the individual result types for which we want Auto-Scaling enabled. Any box left unchecked will be subject to the rules of method (b).