Irregular grid dialog

Used to create gridlines with unequal spacing that lie on the global planes or on an inclined plane.

Opens when Irregular is selected as the type of new grid or an existing irregular grid is edited in a Snap Node/<entity> dialog.

Setting Description
Name (Optional) Specify a name by which you can identify the grid in the Snap Node/<entity> dialog.

The (0,0) position on the grid in the grid coordinate system. Usually, the grid origin coincides with the structure origin.

Type in the location of the origin of gridlines in global coordinate system, in the current length units, or click the tool to change the location of the grid origin by graphically selecting a existing node.

Use Arbitrary Plane

This option is used when the grid is to be placed in any arbitrary plane determined by a pair of vectors, which are specified by provided a pair of coordinates entered in global X, Y, and Z values. The vectors are then taken from the origin to each of nodes to define the plane's X and Y axis.

Plane Used when the grid is to be placed in a global plane. Select the global plane in which the gridlines will lie.
Angle of Plane Choose one of the three options (X-X, Y-Y, or Z-Z) and provide the angle of rotation (in degrees) of the grid plane about that axis.
Relative gridline distances

Specify the distances between gridlines, with each distance separated by a space. Values are in the current input units of length. A gridline is always placed at zero in each direction, so there is no need to enter that value. Tabbing (or clicking) between fields updates the grids (if this is the active grid).

For example, the following X and Y distances provide a grid for drawing US.1. Plane Frame with Steel Design.std (in units of feet, with zero angle and origin = 0,0,0).

5 2.5 2.5 5 5 2.5 2.5 5
20 15 3 3 3