Snap Node-Beam dialog

Used to provide a construction grid which can then be used to easily draw beams, plates, or solid elements. Multiple grids may be created. Additionally, this dialog can be used to import a DXF file and use it as a template for a grid or import grid files created in another STAAD.Pro model.

Opens when the Grids > Snap Grid Beam tool is selected in the Structure group on the Geometry ribbon tab.

Setting Description
Grid list

Lists all grid definitions in the current STAAD.Pro project.

The grid which is set to active has a check before its name. Only one grid may be active at a time.


Opens the Grid Creation Method pop-up dialog, which can be used to define either a Linear, Radial, or Irregular grid pattern.


When a grid definition is selected in the list, clicking this button opens the Grid Creation Method pop-up dialog for editing the definition.


Delete a selected grid definition.


Opens the Provide Modified Grid Name dialog, which is used to create a duplicate of the selected grid. Type the new grid name and Click OK. Click Cancel to close the dialog without creating a grid copy.


Opens the Provide Modified Grid Name dialog, which is used to rename the selected grid. Type the new grid name and Click OK. Click Cancel to close the dialog without renaming the grid.


Opens the Import Options dialog, which is used to specify the imported grid file type. DXF files or STAAD.Pro Grid files (file extension .grd.) may be used.

  • DXF — This option opens the dialog, which is used to select elements from a .DXF. file for use as a construction grid in STAAD.Pro. Placement of an imported grid in the view window is controlled using the Import Grid pattern.

  • STAAD Grid (.grd) — Used to Import Grids previously defined in another STAAD.Pro model. Selecting this option opens a browse dialog box to identify a .GRD file created by the Snap Node Grid tool.

Active Grid Labels Setup

Local Coordinate - this option allows us to view the grid line setting in the local coordinate mode. In this case, the construction grid lines intersecting the origin will be displayed as number zero construction lines and the other construction lines numbered accordingly irrespective of what was set in the global coordinate system.

Roaming grid labels help to identify the relative and exact gridline coordinates for the construction grid lines. This is an invaluable tool especially when the gridlines are skewed about a plane and the coordinates for the gridlines need to be displayed. These grid lines are used when adding nodes, beams, plates or solids by simply snapping on the intersection of gridlines.

Checking the Rel Coords box displays how far (either positive or negative) the grid line is from the origin. A “+” or “-” label will be drawn next to the gridline. By checking the Axis Ids box, the global axis id (X, Y or Z) which is parallel to the grid line being labeled will be drawn. The display font (size, color and type) can be changed through the Font button. 

To display the actual coordinates for each grid lines in reference to the origin, choose which ends (Start, End or Both) of the grid line are to be labeled. Since the construction grid lines are only drawn in a plane, there will be a maximum of two directional gridline vectors that can be labeled (XY, XZ, or YZ). The frequency at which the grid labels are drawn can be controlled through the Freq spin button.  If the frequency is set to 3, the grid labels will only be drawn at every third gridline. The coordinate values in the X, Y and Z directions can be displayed by pressing the appropriate coordinate labels next to the frequency spin button.

Snap to existing nodes too

Select this option to select existing nodes for creating the members. If the mouse is clicked close to an existing node, the existing node is selected instead of creating a new node at that location.

Snap Node/Beam

Click to create members by snapping to grid and/or existing nodes. The button is depressed when this function is active. Click again to stop adding beams.