
The member query box includes the ability to change many of the member attributes from the dialog box itself including the property definition, specifications (releases, truss, cable, etc.) and beta angle.

Opens when a member is double-clicked with the Beams cursor.

To change the property, member specifications or the beta angle on the member, simply click on one of the buttons. If the member contains output result tabs (Displacement, Steel Design, etc.) in the query box, changing the member attributes will cause these tabs to disappear. This is due to the fact that the current output no longer reflects the new input.


Shows a diagram of the member property and lists the length, connecting nodes and their coordinates, and whether the member has a beta angle, any releases or other member specifications. One can assign/change the beta angle of the member by clicking on the Change Beta button.

Setting Description
Change Beta Click to assign or change the beta angle for the selected member.
Change Releases at Start / End Click to assign or change the start or end release attributes, member offsets, cable specification, truss specification, tension-only specification, compression-only specification, ignore stiffness, or inactive specifications.


This shows an elevation and cross section with a list of some of its section properties and material.
Setting Description
Physical Properties The table lists some of the section properties from the assigned section, including:
  • Ax, cross sectional area
  • Ay, shear area in the local Y axis
  • Az, shear area in the local z axis
  • Ix, torsional moment of inertia
  • Iy, moment of inertia about the local y axis
  • Iz, moment of inertia about the local z axis
  • D, the depth of the section (for taper members this is the average depth over the length)
  • W, the maximum width of the section

Click Assign/Change Property to assign or change the section property of the member. The choice of properties will only from the same family as the current cross-section.

For example, if the current property is an America W12x45, only W, M, S, HP, and B shapes and sizes will be available.

Material Properties

The table lists some of the material properties from the assigned material, including:

  • Elasticity, Young's modulus
  • Poisson’s Ratio
  • Density, Alpha, the coefficient of thermal expansion
Click Assign Material to update the material definition with one selected from the drop-down list.


A list of the load items assigned to the member are displayed here. New load items can now be added to existing load cases, and, existing load items edited or deleted using the Member Query window.

Setting Description
Select Load Case Choose the load case to you want to display or edit. This list will be empty if no primary load cases have been defined in the model.
Add new Load Item Opens the Create New Load Items dialog, which is used to add new load items to the selected load case and assign them to the currently selected member. The list of load items displayed is limited to those which can be assigned to members.
Remove Selected Load Item. Click to remove an existing load item selected in the list.
Edit Selected Load item Click to make changes to the currently selected load item in the list. The load item dialog for the load type opens. Make the desired changes and then click Change.

Shear Bending

This tab appears only after running the analysis.  It also contains facilities for viewing values for shears and moments, selecting the load cases for which those results are presented, a slider bar for looking at the values at specific points along the member length, and a Print option for printing the items on display.

The slider bar in the member query box can be used to display the shear, bending and deflection values at any point along the beam. A corresponding edit box is also provided to manually type in the distance for which the aforementioned values will be calculated and displayed.

To obtain the values for the shear, bending or deflection at any point along the beam for a specific load case, grab the slider bar (the draggable arrow) and drag it to the desired location on the beam. The location of the slider bar is reported in the Dist edit box in the current display units. This edit box can also be manually changed which conversely, changes the location of the slider bar. The values for the results in question will automatically be updated every time the slider bar moves.


This tab appears only after running the analysis.  Shows deflection diagram in the global or local directions for the selected load case.  Also lists tabulated deflection values. Points of inflection are displayed on the diagram. The points of inflection or contraflexure are the distances along the member where the sign of the force, deflection or moment changes (the point where these values are zero).

Refer to the next figure to see where the points of inflection are labeled. The distances are always reported from the start of the member (in the figure, the left-hand side of the member).

Composite Property

The dialog box displays various properties for the composite beam including effective width, whether shoring during construction has been considered or not, grade of concrete, unit weight of concrete, thickness of concrete above flutes, rib properties, stud properties etc. These data will enable the user to get a clear picture of the geometric properties for the composite beam.

Design Property

If the STAAD input file contains instructions for steel design - Member Selection (refer to TR.49.1 Member Selection Specification, and US or UK Example 1 in the Application Examples) which may result in a change of section property from the one originally assigned by the user - that new section name, and associated property values will be displayed under this tab. One can assign/change the material attributes for the beam by clicking on the Assign Material button.

Steel Design

This tab appears only after running the analysis if a steel design operation has been performed on the selected member. Shows a diagram of the member property and lists the length, design stresses, critical load, code being used, ratio, result, critical condition and slenderness value.

Setting Description
fSB Actual Steel Stress before Concrete Hardens
FSB Allowable Steel Stress before Concrete Hardens
fCB Actual Concrete Stress before Hardening
FCB Allowable Concrete Stress before Hardening
fSA Actual Steel Stress after Concrete Hardens
FSA Allowable Steel Stress after Concrete Hardens
fCA Actual Concrete Stress after Hardening
FCA Allowable Concrete Stress after Hardening
Critical load The table displays information like critical load case, critical force  values, and location of the critical section  along the member length
Code The design code followed for designing the composite beam
Result Displays whether the beam has PASSED or FAILED the check
Ratio Ratio of actual to allowable stresses
Critical Reports the critical condition. In the previous dialog box CONC-STR-AH is displayed which indicates that Concrete Stress after hardening is the critical condition.
KLR Reports the slenderness ratio (kL/r for compression or L/r for tension). The slender ratio value displayed is based on the critical axial force and is marked T for tension or C for compression.
STUDS Display the number of shear connectors required and diameter of shear connectors.

Castellated Beam Design


Concrete Design