Export STAAD Model to SACS

Used to export the current STAAD.Pro model to a SACS model, which can be opened in the SACS system Interactive Modeling program.

Opens when the User Tools > STAAD to SACS Export tool is selected in the User Tools group on the Utilities ribbon tab.

Setting Description
Staad Input File Displays the path and filename for the current STAAD input file.
SACS Model File The file path and file name for the SACS model file (file extension .inp) to which you want to export STAAD.Pro data.
[…] Opens a Windows Save As… dialog box, which is used to navigate your computer's storage and provide a file name.
Title Specify a model title for use in the SACS file.
About Displays version information about the macro behind this export facility.
OK Closes the dialog and generates the SACS file.
Cancel Closes the dialog without generating a SACS file.