ADINA Export dialog

Used to specify the structure orientation of a STAAD.Pro exported to an ADINA input file (*.in).

Opens when the ADINA tool is selected from the Import / Export page on the Backstage.

The options for exporting the STAAD input file to an ADINA input file are:

Setting Description
Structure Convention Select the global axis convention to use in the resulting ADINA IN file:
  • No Change

    The values specified in the Application Configuration dialog are used for the export.

  • Y Up

    The ADINA model will be exported with global Y as vertical axis, rotating model if required.

  • Z Up (default)

    The ADINA model will be exported with global Z as vertical axis, rotating model if required..

Scheme Select the scheme to use for the exported model:
  • Multiple Load Cases

    Load cases and load combinations are exported. The Static Analysis dialog will show the Multiple Load Cases checkbox enabled. With this option, the ADINA graphic user interface considers the time steps as load cases.

  • Time Functions

    Load cases are exported as linear, dummy time functions.


The export to ADINA IN files does not include the following model objects:

  • member specifications not supported:
    • property reduction factor
    • cable specfications
    • inactive member
    • fireproofing
    • imperfection specifications
  • plate / element specifications not supported
    • inplane rotation
    • ignore stiffness
    • plate stress
  • plate supports (e.g., mat, elastic, and foundation)
  • temperature loads on plates
  • time history loading
  • response spectrum and modal analysis

Shape Mapping Between STAAD.Pro and ADINA

Source Shape sub type
Prismatic Circle (any) Pipe (Solid Section)
Rectangle (any) Rectangular
Tee (any) I-Beam (WF1=T2)
Trapezoidal (any) General
General (any) General
Tapered I (any) I-Beam (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Round Pipe (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Hexadecagonal General (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Dodecagonal General (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Octagonal General (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Hexagonal General (Average depth)
Tapered Tube Square Box (Average depth)
User Table Wide Flange (any) I-Beam
Channel (any) U-Beam
Angle (any) L-Beam
Double Angle (any) General
Tee (any) I-Beam (WF1=T2)
Pipe (any) Pipe
Tube (any) Box
General (any) General
Isection (any) General
Prismatic (any) General